Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Where's Patrick?

Despite the evidence suggested in this photograph, the manically-grinning, impish Patrick (front row, 4th from right) is not included in the new poll because he is a pillar of the community and there is no way he would stoop so low as to even consider such dastardly actions. Not because after an average debut season with the Stallions I totally forgot he was in the team ...

Notably absent from the photograph - recently poached Lloyd. Apart from the fear struck in the hearts of our opponents and the sweat lingering on the pink headband there is little evidence of his time in the Stallions. Good luck Lloyd, oh yes we will miss you ...

If only we could attract female viewers to this site. They could look at this photograph and vote for the hottest stallion. Of course the best contenders were broken down and feet up at home by this stage of the season ...


Anonymous said...

Average season my as@ - I'll have you know I was Pony of the year!

005 said...

And you better have the headband and pony all ready for Saturday ... Of course as winner of the season pony of the year you will be wearing pink for the first game.

I hope you ain't lost them - just ask Nick about the consequences.