Sunday, March 23, 2008

Classic Stallions Moment #1 – the first red card

I wasn’t there, but I’ve heard the story so many times the picture is pretty clear. This is the gospel truth.

The halcyon season of 2002-2003, vs United Terrace, or really ‘Justice’ and 10 other guys. Ben B in goal.

A typically spiteful game between these 2 teams (remember last season’s classic 35 minute half?). Earlier one of the Hodges gets in a bit of a scrap and is saved by the other.

Another scuffle breaks out, and is well controlled by the Stallions ref. Meanwhile Ben B charges out of goal, arrives at halfway just as everyone else is getting back on with the game and king-hits Justice from behind.

The Stallions are in shock at this unstallion-like behaviour and the 25 seconds it took Ben to get to the fracas. Terrace are more interested in scoring as our keeper stands over his vanquished foe on halfway.

Anyways, that’s how I heard it.


Ben Hodges said...

The key to Ben B's involvement was the fact that the pushing/shoving and punching had basically stopped.With sanity restored cue Ben B from the rear of the stage rushing in and punching Justice from behind. The look of satisfied vengence turning to confusion then shame on Ben's face as he realised how mistimed and unsporting his roundhouse from behind had been was priceless.

Anonymous said...

Add to that the fact the whistle hadn't actually blown and Ben had left an open goal in which they somehow missed!

005 said...

Come on Ben B, you ain't going to take all this are you? Defend yourself!