Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Stallion SuperPowers 1 - Nick W

Magneto has weird X-Man powers - so he had magnets in his hands that attracted metal. So what? I'd rather fly.

Nick W shares his powers. He has an uncanny ability to attract footballs to his hands when defending inside the Stallion goalbox. It is an irresistible force.

Every superhero has a nemesis. Magneto has Dr X. Nick W has Referee Steve Hodges who never misses this ball handling (perhaps through all that experience of watching Ben blossom into a man).

(left) Magneto juggles some balls
(right) Even in this beautiful mountainous environment objects are attracted to Nick's hands.


Ben Hodges said...

If you look closely at Nick's photo you can see the fabric hand ball meter he has pinned to his front

energy24.7 said...

I'm waiting to hear what your special powers are Aaron. You certainly shouldn't be one to talk about giving away penalties!

005 said...

Oh Nick, I was saving that for another post! I think my powers are ably being demonstrated as we speak and during fine sessions - the ability to talk rather than play a great game.