Sunday, March 30, 2008

The Greatest Footballer Div 7 has ever known

There has not been a lot of debate about who the most valuable stallion is likely to be this season . Based on last season everyone is of one voice- Ben Hodges.

Ben H Scored a whopping 9 goals last season. Admittedly Rauru's 19 in the previous season is numerically superior. However, in every other respect Ben's goals overshadow Rauru's. I challenge any one here to recall a single one of Rauru's goals.... Yet merely mention Ben Hodges and football in the same sentence and anyone within earshot become abstracted with a wistful smile as they think back to some of those heart stopping, net ripping moments when Ben seemingly descended from the football heavens and thumped the leather in to the onion bag in a way that made anyone watching feel they had transcended the very fabric of the space time continuum.

The audacious overhead volley against Olympic; the explosive header against Tawa - the goalie's flapping hand fortunate to have missed it, for had he in fact got a hand to it, the hand would surely have shattered in to a million pieces; the ear splitting right footed volley against Uni Wanderers 3 seasons ago, which had it not been for the rising bank of solid earth behind the goal the ball would surely still be rising now.

There will be no commentary to this post as everyone is of one mind. They are in unison in their belief that they live in a time of footballing magnificence.

Hail Ben Hodges bringer of footballing light, Ben Hodges who makes the impossible possible.

But Ben is more than just a goal scorer of historic importance, he is a provider too. His faultless, nay compassionate crosses in to the box, his ability to deliver simple goal scoring opportunities to his team mates so weak of shot and hazy of aim shows he is no Rauru Albatross but a true lover of the game and the people that shareth his canary yellow shirt.

Aaron, it barely needs to be done but perhaps a vote system for goal of the season or previous seasons?


005 said...

Yes, nicely done Ben, and so convincing - i don't know if I can argue with a single word of it. Slightly negated by the post I just got in before you recalling one of rauru's great goals.

Good suggestion for a poll - lets start with best goal of last season. Playing such a key role in most of our goals i am struggling to remember too many - so how about a call for nominations from the team? Once suggestions have been made i will post a poll. And yes Robin, you can nominate your own goals. And Graham, your own goal (tee hee).

For me, I can't go past the first game of the season - Jason goaless the season before pushes up for a corner, the ball falls beautifully on the edge of the box, and despite/because of a huge shank it goes in top left. Cue much celebration from all the backs.

Oh yeah, and all Nick W's goals were brilliant.

Any other suggestions? And Ben, how about you just suggest the best of the best because they were all unarguably brilliant!

Ben Hodges said...

I vote for my 2nd goal against Petone Chuggers in petone. Not because of any technical aspect as it wasn't particularly clever nor was it particularly powerful. I nominate it because i beleive no other Stallion ever has or ever will score a goal in front of 1 NZ and 3 Saudi Arabian diplomats who came specifically to watch them after having talked themselves down for 3 days previously for the express purpose of them not coming and seeing how shit they really are.

Anonymous said...

I actually kinda agree with you Ben. Besides the tap in goal that ended up in me missing half a season (see Aaron's post), or the 'hand of god' goal at Newtown Park (which, again, for the record was all head, but thanks for the controversy Jason) which gave us a much needed win, or the penalty that I cooly slotted against Brooklyn in the last game of the season to give us our first ever win over them in 4 seasons as well as deny them the title, I actually cant really remember any of the other 40 odd goals I've scored, so don't really expect anyone else to remember either.

So, while I don't remember any of your goals either, I am willing to admit that your goals are superior (it's just the number of them isn't).

However, instead of the greatest goal poll, I suggest the greatest goal missed poll. Maybe this is why your goals are perhaps more memorable, as when they did shatter the net, or the hand of the keeper, or the noise barrier, the sheer surprise from everyone else around that it didn't shatter the window of the house behind the goal, or the knee of the old lady walking past, or the corner flag, meant that everyone subitted it to memory.

It seems to be one of those 'where were you when' questions. Where were you when JFK was assasinated? Where were you when Princess Di died? Where were you when Ben H finally got a shot on target? Answers: Not born yet, on the couch at home, covering my head 13.5 meters to the left of the northern goal at Nairnville #2. The weather was 11 degress, slight Southerly blowing, 40% humidity, with a slight chance of rain. What a day it was.

Anonymous said...

Definitely ben's headed goal against Tawa last year. Not so much for the goal itself, but for the way Patrick made two defenders look like Ben B before delivering a pin point swerving cross onto Ben's balding pate....

Ben Hodges said...

LoL then LoL again. A sensational idea except that I can't see anyone mounting any serious sort of competition against me...But what they hey, let's just accept i will win the poll you suggest and then concentrate on the real competition for 2nd and 3rd.

By the way does anyone remember my goal against the tawa whipping boys a few seasons back in Tawa .... I collected a divet just prior to hitting the ball, as a consequence i mistimed the kick ( i know, not like me) and sort of rolled my foot over the ball rather than hit it as such. It kind of bobbled and spun awardwardly off a grassy knoll and somehow eluded the keepers efforts at stopping it even though it only just had enough power to actually make it over the line (it never got anywhere near the back of the net)....Now i ask you who else can score from a shot like that?, not many if any

energy24.7 said...

ooo, oooo, what about my first (and only) goal for the Stallions, last year against our bogey team Stokes Valley.

Up at Kelburn Park for the only time of the season and we were down by a few goals. I make one of my usual blistering runs, culminating in me on the edge of the area with a couple to beat. I typically unselfishly lay the ball of to one of our strikers who tries to give me the return, but instead gifts it to one of the defenders.

Luckily the kind Stokes Valley man has a violent swing and completely misses it, leaving it just in front of me and ready for something spectacular.

I dont even bother taking a touch, just pick my spot on the top left corner, and lash it home. The keeper has no chance.

Cue wild celebrations that continue until after the restart with a magnificent defensive diving header to clear the ball over the fence enabling me more time to talk about the wonder goal.

Ah, what a great day that was. Sure to be repeated this year, definitely at KP, possibly even elsewhere...

StevieG said...

while i'm happy to take the vote, (and I remember it dribbling bottom right)I would say Joe's equalizer against the Indians in the last game of the season was pick of the bunch. Sorry Hodges, the overhead Vs Olympic comes second...

005 said...

Welcome Jason, yep there may have been just a little poetic license in the description of your dribbling goal. Wasn't there for Joe's goal, but good suggestion - its time for that poll.