Thursday, March 27, 2008

A brotherhood of Stallions ...

Update: Sorry Ben, after your comment I could not resist. Pot/Kettle/Black. Too easy I know, but too much fun to refuse ...

Uni Stallions, meet Sydney's Marconi Stallions -

Those huge mugshot-like photographs ain't pretty - but with our gelled-up pretty boys Jules, Glen and Rauru gone, the Uni Stallions wouldn't do much better.

There is one other point of connection between the two teams. After 4 games the Marconi Stallions are at the bottom of the table with 0 wins, 1 draw and 3 losses (goal diff -5). Let's keep an eye on their progress, and make sure our results are better.

Special prize for anyone who can pick this random guy's position/brutal crime.


Ben Hodges said...

Man follow the link and look at the rest of the team what a scary bunch...

Anonymous said...

While I'm honered to be called a pretty boy, for the record I was never gelled up (very rarely at least). From memory it was the big bro that ALWAYS had to go home and pretty-up before a fine session.

Anonymous said...

We should organise a pre-season trip there next year to play their youth team (even if their seniors havn't won a game they have an ex-Sydney FC player so they would smash us...heck, even their 19 year olds would smash us but whatever). In all seriousness though, we talked about it a bit for the cricket, how cool would it be to play another Stallions team in Aussie?!

005 said...

Oops Rauru, my apologies - the old fine books shows an extensive $4,500 paid by Tangihaere for general 'getting prettied up' fines. You are clearly not as pretty as your brother.

How dare a player shower before a club event! That season Tangi also got 'kicking ball in own face' fine, the 'grand vision, no skills' fine, the 'terrorist fine', the 'David Hill lookalike' fine, the 'going into womens toilet' fine, and others that can not be mentioned in polite company. We ain't heard from him in ages - make sure he gets this blog address and keeps in touch.

As for a Stallions tour - great idea. Bags not organising!