Monday, August 17, 2015

Graham and Paul be like...

 We've already had some handshake fails this season (resulting in a Pony even - read the description of how it was earned - love it!).  The one this weekend was awesome though.

It's half time and everyone is feeling pretty cock-a-hoop going in 2-1 up with a changed team (except Carrick probably).  The pre arranged swap up front of the donut-loving-sour-cream-beer-drinking defenders takes place as Paul and Graham get the nod to get on the score sheet.  Graham, all excited to get a trot up front, looks at Paul and offers up a gesture that would solidify their bond for the next 45 minutes and no doubt have them both on the score sheet.  Paul...well...the video above kinda explains what happens next (Graham is the ref in the video in case you need it spelled out).

Was this a sign of things to come for the next 45 minutes?  You be the judge.

Rio does a good Graham impersonation here too.

1 comment:

005 said...

New end of season punishment for G if he does not score. Not only is there a sour cream beer, but he must go around and hi five some one sitting at every table in the bar.

Lock that shit in!