Sunday, August 16, 2015

Reverse the team - hey, that sounds like fun! 6-2 loss

All made up for by Chris getting off the sour scream/beer combo with a screamer. The whole team was very excited , except for Tangihaere, Paul, Graham, and Tim ...

Not much to talk about -  they did the double over us, but an * needed for both games - the first one no one knew just how wasted Gus was, and yesterday, well ...

Carrick (Dan assist)
Chris (any assist?)

There can be only one - Chris.

A few options:
Aaron - 'charming the pants of the referee' - okay, so I forget my shorts and the ref kindly lent me his. Nothing to see here. Had a good game that ref. Nice shorts too. A deserved pony, but since I'm missing the next game it needs to go elsewhere:

Paul - the bring down and control (kind of) which led to their first goal.
Nick - the perfect infield cross (to their striker on the edge of the box who obliged)
Now another * - I don't know if I can endorse this one - blame Graham: Carrick for 'not pulling finger'. Booo.

Okay, final game against wainui (who beat Brooklyn - they may have messing around like us?), finish on a high Stallions.


T said...

I laid the through ball for Chris to run onto (I'm desperate for some kind of contribution to goals - how far back do you need to go for an assist?

You're definitely pony Aaron. Not sure about option 2

Rauru said...

Paul's Pony nomination was actually for a striker 101 error. When kicking off after a goal (no sure if it was their 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th or 6th) he didn't move it forward into the oppositions half. Rookie. It's as if and Graham play keeper most of the time or something...

005 said...

Ah shit, that's right - that was hilarious. Almost as hilarious as Paul leaving Graham's hi five hanging for what felt like hours before the game.

We are a team full of ponies.

Ben Hodges said...

Funny coincidence how since i came back into the Stallions sphere you have lost both games....Ben

T said...

Paul for Pony then - definitely.

Rauru said...

Let's not forget that Aaron had to wear the refs shorts! I know all about Aaron's tricks to distract the attention from himself. For me, that's a locked in Pony, but since he won't be at the game Paul should get the pink.