Thursday, August 20, 2015

EPL predictions

Right, time for my predictions.  Looking back at mine and Nick Goodall's picks last year, it's saffe to say that mine were a lot more accurate (it's as if Goodall gave the kiss of death to players and teams).  These were the picks that I had before the season kicked off.  There's a few notes in brackets after a couple of rounds of the new season.

1st - Chelsea will be the team to beat again this year. They haven't made any new signings of note but they were so far ahead of everyone last year that it's hard to see another team catch them. As I said last year, if Costa can score 20 + goals they will win comfortably. If not they should still have the goods to get the job done.  (Update - Wow, what a change from last season.  Last season they were unbeaten until December (11 wins, 3 draws before their first loss) and were being talked up as a possibility of going unbeaten in the season.  This year they look tired already.  You'd have to assume they'll come right but it's made for an interesting start and I'm not nearly as certain about them coming first anymore).

2nd - Arsenal seem to have a good team this year and with the addition of Cech their defensive line should be strong. I still think they are missing a decent striker and should break the bank for Benzema, but other than that I think they will be tough to beat. They could push Chelsea but will fall away at the end as they usually do. Next season could well be their season.  (Update - A bad loss in their first game and an unconvincing win in their second - same old Arsenal?)

After this it gets a little bit interesting.

3rd - I'm going to say Man City will get third although they could end up as low as fifth. They very much rely on Aguero and if he gets injured for any significant amount of time I think they will struggle to make the top 4.  Last year they were pretty average and I think things will only get worse for them this year. They need a refresh in their team and while I think Sterling will be good with Aguero up front, I don't think he and Delph are enough.  They seem to need to rebuild but haven't done enough in the transfer window yet IMO.  (Update - Geez, I couldn't have been more wrong!  Tired players last season look in great touch this season and they're the only 'big' team to have started convincingly.  Big challenger for 1st).

4th - Rounding off the top 4, my heart says Liverpool but if I were to put the house on it I'd have to say Man U. For the sake of this blog though I'm going to go to Liverpool. This summer's signings have been more than decent and with last season's signings having a season under their belt I think this has the potential to be a good season for Liverpool. As with every team however, it depends on how well the attack goes. They should create chances with the players they have, it just depends if Sturridge can get fit again and Benteke can finish the chances that he should be provided with. The defence seems much better this year so I'm expecting good things.  (Update - Yep, I'm saying they'll get 4th.  Two unconvincing 1-0 wins but with awesome potential.  I don't think we're going to see the swash-buckling style of 13-14 where we'll concede 3 but score 5 *sob sob* but with a more solid D and a more than decent attack I think LFC will do the business)

5th - Since Fergie has left Man U have just been so underwhelming. In Fergie's last season he somehow managed to win the league easily with a super ordinary side, and now that he's not there that super ordinary side is playing super ordinary. Man U supporters are trying to talk up their signings but I don't believe that LVG has what it takes to succeed in this league. Their defence is still dodgy and if DDG leaves they are in for a world of trouble.  They are also seriously lacking a backup for Rooney and if he gets injured they will miss the top 5 for sure. We will also have to wait and see how well signings like Depay and Schweinstiger settle. If Depay doesn't settle into the league they could be in serious trouble as he is meant to be providing a lot of goals and assists.  A big ask for a young guy in a new, demanding league.  (Yep, 5th.  They look as average as I thought and are in serious need of decent attackers with Rooney in poor early form.  I think Depay will come good and will be their Sanchez (a good player carrying an average attack), they've got good players in CM and their D isn't as bad as I thought, but with no Pedro signing and it looking unlikely DDG will play even if he stays I don't think they'll have enough to compete in Europe and domestically.  Need more signings, but who is there?)

After that, well, who cares really.  Spurs will be there or there abouts, Southampton too, but they'll never really challenge the top 4.

So that's me.  What say you?

1 comment:

Gustona said...

I say you have far too much time on your hands, and I don't care enough to read, let alone put my thoughts into who will win. #autofillftw #masterschefrulz #howismyhomebrewdoing #biblereadingoccupiesme