Thursday, June 28, 2012

The worst start in Stallions history?

God, 14 seconds, not a stallion touched the ball. I'll leave the rest for the pony (can't remember whether it was Lloyd or Tangihaere). Great comeback, relegation banished.

Ok assist help, Rauru provided Glen's 2nd, Paddy the first? Did Tim's have an assist or was it a defensive error?

Righto, only one nomination for mvp points last week, so we need a few for this game - more fun when you win too. Assuming none for Glen, I would probably be thinking Lloyd (3), Paul (2), Robin (1). Damn Robin played well. Great team effort all round, Tristin held up play beautifully, Paddy offered so many more options from the back and still managed to pull off his best shot of the season. Come on, we need a few people to nominate.


Rauru said...

Think I got Glenn's first as well. I won a header back to him from a throw in but there was Glenn and another player there (Lloyd?) so not sure if they got a touch.

Tim's was a shanked shot so not sure who'll claim it!

Yep, I'd go with you on those fantasy points. Paul was huge, Lloyd didn't stop running and received and layed off a lot of ball, and Rob was tireless up and down the wing too. I also though Paddy was excellent playing at LB and set up a lot of play with good passing.

Great game guys. Rest up and see you next Monday night.

Paddy said...

For me Lloyd 3, Paul 2, Aaron 1 (sorry Robin!). Looking forward to next week now.