Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Fantasy Update

Yeah, umm, its taken a while, but I have finally updated the Fantasy points. Missing a lot of games and relying on some match reports (some non-existant ones even) doesn't help much, but hopefully there are not too many inaccuracies in this.  So here is the current grand totals (not counting the Inter match which we are still relying on some other mvp points nominations). Few nominations the week before either so I just gave 3 to Paul - the whole 2 people who nominated suggested he deserved them.  Perhaps this is all getting a little too boring and we should stop?

Anyways, here are the totals - not surprising is the runaway leader, and good to see the the D is slowly climbing up the ladder. Obviously this season still remaisn a tough one for the D fantasy wise ...

Rauru 97
Logan 47
Lloyd 47
Paddy 46
Aaron 44
Panda 35
Tom 32
Graham 30
Robin 29
Tangihaere 24
Paul 20
Mike B 13
Spencer 12
Joe 11
Jason 11
Corey 5

1 comment:

Pepe said...

Thanks Aaron. Top work as always.

If we're still looking for points in the Inter game (and we can't give points to Glenn), I would go Lloyd, Paddy and Aaron. Although I appreciate the nominations, I think we had enough in the outfield to win that one. Inter could be an excellent team - particularly on the break, but thankfully for us had a few who would rather beat their man than play in a team-mate.