Sunday, April 1, 2012

Heard on the sidelines #2416

Joe: 'I'm a whole new player this season'

Pretty good effort today Stallions, by that I mean no one collapsed in exhaustion, no obvious injuries, and some good play (the first 20 of each half were pretty impressive - I guess that says something about the fitness levels). A loss, but take out the dodgy keeper and who knows. Mind you he was using size 486 gloves.

Some good signs for next week.


Gustona said...

It was a shanked cross! I had the cross covered.

There is also the old saying

"the ball had to get passed 10 other players (included a certain left back that got skinned) before it goes passed the keeper!"

Pretty shitty goals, but a great start defensively. Add some better finishing from one of the central midfielders in particular (I saw that little dribbler) and it could have been different!

See you all at practise on Wednesday 6.30 Kelburn park!

005 said...

1 little dribbler sure, but you must have appreciated the first freekick of the season ...

Gustona said...

ahh yes, I did forget that. A little beauty that may have hit the underside of the bar, the back of the keepers head, and then dribbled into the back of the goal, perhaps even touching the net.

R said...

That looped free kick? Please, it was like you kicked a balloon! I'm loving the quick free kicks idea. Just important to remember not to ask for 10m otherwise you have to wait for the ref to blow the whistle.

I'm still having nightmares about my miss. Not too sure how I would have play it differently if given another chance though. Probably try to stop the bouncing...

005 said...

Ha, clearly from your rather embarrassing 1 on 1 incident you have no idea about the intricacies of getting the ball up over the player in the way and then to drop beneath the bar. Rauru: 'I was going for the conversion', Panda: 'you missed that too'.

R said...

Haha, Panda you cheeky shit. Good call.