Tuesday, April 3, 2012

It's All About The Benjamin's

So the question needs to be asked: Do we reinstate the fine system? Last year we had some great turn outs at whatever the local pub was and fines could make a come back. The one thing I missed last year was the piss taking. Sometimes we take ourselves too seriously and fines are a good way to have a laugh regardless of the result.

It's also classic blog material where we get to recap all the embarrassing moments, and the laughs continue well after the last pint has been drunk.

The only problem with the fine system in the past is that some people paid in full while others didn't pay anything (Tristin, if you're reading this you still owe $732.50), and then some people being the good team men they are (i.e. Spencer) paid all their fines but then wasn't around to enjoy the end of year function.

A thought that I had was to introduce 'Fantasy Fines'. Similar to the Fantasy Football points system that we currently have, but in a more "you're so shit it's unbelievable" kinda way. I figured that it would be the same as the fine system of old but that the fines would be 'fantasy'. At the end of the year the person with the most fines would be awarded the Pony. The good thing about the fines is that it doesn't target 'poor' play necessarily, but often just funny and stupid play. Yours truly missing one the easier chances I'll get this season will still get punished as being poor play, as will the countless shanked passes, but things like Joe tackling his own players, Tangihaere blasting a harmless cross field defensive pass to Paul into Row Z, Gus getting chipped and then getting 'Seaman-ed' are examples of more funny and stupid rather than being shit. Actually, when you think about it...

Anyway, what are your thoughts? I know that with fees being roughly $200 money isn't always there to spend on frivolous fines (especially with all the colts coming through), but it's a thought. Maybe Aaron could set up an anonymous poll to see if people are keen for them coming back? I'm easy either way but did enjoy the laugh of the fines and would be happy enough to see them come back. Maybe we could cap a seasons worth of fines at $50 or something, or a games fines at $4-5, or both?


005 said...

Yeah, agreed - its the fun/taking the piss aspect that we need to bring back. But how is the question. I think the reason we stopped is that fine sessions went for aggesss. We could reverse the MVP approach - perhaps each game we have nominations and then vote for the 3 most fineworthy offences of the game - and put a value on that? Worst offence $5, then $3 and $1? Trouble with this is that we might always get the same people (well stop doing stupid things egg).

To make it work I think we need to bring focus to the table.

Oh yeah, we better decide before Friday.

Ok, pool going up.

005 said...

That would be a poll going up, not a swimming pool and certainly not Liverpool climbing up the table.

005 said...

So that would be fine stalwarts Aaron, Robin and Rauru voting then. 3-0. Gus must be in goal for no fines team.

Panda said...

Bring back the beers!for after the game top fine. Wash shirts 2nd fine. Starting sub next game 3rd fine...

Panda said...

Who is in the team this year?
Paul, Mike, Joe, Tangi, Jason, Graeme, Corey, Spencer, Aaron, Paddy, Lloyd, Robin, Nick, Dan, Gus, Rauru, me anyone else?

Rauru said...

Nah, only just voted now and it's looking like the fines are back! I reckon when we do the fines we just fly through it and dont sit around trying to think up things. If there's 5 seconds of thinking then it cant have been that bad.

Panda - no Nick and no Dan, Tom comes in. Squad of 16.

Anonymous said...

i reckon keep up beers after game on touchline like panda said and a quick fine session where possible - easier for those that need to rush home to help out with little ones