Monday, March 7, 2011

Stallions Season 2010 highlights

Ok, so imagine we have a 15 second video celebrating our grade winning, free-wheeling, pie-eating, women-stealing last season (or was that just me?). What would this montage that summed up last season include?

- Definite fade out moment: one of Panda's run behind the goal posts pointing at the ball celebrations
- Flashes of G-Mann's bright boots
- Shots of Rauru's 4 goal haul vs Lower Hutt/Stokes Valley, whoever it was
- Dan's header vs Marist
- The sad moment - North Wellington score their 4th goal to win 4-3 (or was it a draw, I can't recall).
- General pride at running around the artificial at Te Whaea
- In car cam of Nick's breakdown with multiple stallions in the backseat
- Gus's reverse header goal
- Some epic stretching saves by Paul
- Rauru and Tangi arguing over the merits of 4-3-3 vs 4-3-2-1
- Endless missed shots on goal by Paddy
- This nagging presence of Ben Hodges in the background
- We might have to dig back to past seasons to get some biffo, what were we last season - sponsored by Hippies & Peaceniks?

Any other suggestions?

Damn, we might need more than 15 seconds.

We need a soundtrack to the season as well. Any thoughts?


Anonymous said...

How could you leave out Spencer's volley?

005 said...

Fair call (thanks Spencer?), must have been pure jealously. Definitely slots in, perhaps in some black and white, replay-montage special where the ball is rewound and replayed powering off your foot like 20 times.

Panda said...

What about Tangi's goal, our clean sheet vs Nth Wgtn and the goal you poached Aaron???
Soundtrack could be movin' on up by M People, back in black ACDC, how do u want it/hit em up 2Pac or feels good Tony Toni Tone........maybe.
Just an update, I got outa my cast on Friday and can now walk freely go back to see the specialist on 6th of May....fingers crossed. When's the first round?

StevieG said...

Spencer's volley definitely in there.

Panda's wonder strike in the first game of the season.

Rob's equalising header at Te Whaea.

You can't really go past 'Eye of the Tiger' for sporting themes...

R said...

True, Rob's header at Te Whaea and the ensuing melee is a definite must in there. Shots of the supporters when that went in are also worthy!

005 said...

Goal I poached, don't recall that!

R said...

I do!!