Monday, March 21, 2011

Fallen homies

Another trip to the casualty ward for Stallions - this time poor Mike B, who courtesy of a bicycle on car has a broken arm amongst other injuries. Hard luck Mike, terrible timing with the new job and of course the new season, you will be missed for however long you are out. Sad to think that the power throw in that so scared other teams may never see the light of day again. Won't stop the jinking surges through the middle of course.

In slightly better news Panda looked a lot better wandering around than expected.

Oh yeah, for those of you not at the game we were pretty comprehensively beaten, but came back damn well to win or at least draw the second half (I forget). Don't matter how many goals they scored - we had two potential goals of the seasons - huge strikes from distance by Rauru and Lachlan.


R said...

Yea, as an update to this, Mike has confirmed that he is going to be out for most, if not all of the season meaning that he's not going to pay subs. Panda is only going to pay half subs as well as he is out till the end of May. Jamie has said that he's now keen to play for us (the pull of the Stallions is just too strong) so that is an option for us. I'll have another look at numbers and send out an email this week. Please note that subs are due by the start of the season so expect to pay between $160-$190 in the next two weeks. I'll send out an email soon.

As far as the weekend went, yep, we were pretty well beaten by a very good Karori team. We were down 4-0 at half time with some good pace and movement shown by their forwards and mids. We didn't really compete in the first half so the call at half time was just to step up the effort and start to win the 50/50 balls which we did in the second, winning the second half 2-1. Final score 5-2.

Jamie said...

Yeah I had a shocker, 2 years out has proven to be my enemy. 2nd half the Stallions stepped up and dominated, who cares about the result, its better that we won the last half of the game and left the pre-season game on a high. Bring on 2011 for the Stallions.

005 said...

It was a damn good effort, though I'm sure a few felt a bit off the pace like I did - still a couple of weeks to get right! They are a good team, and have been practicing for a month or so apparently, so are also a few weeks ahead of us. That, along with the quality of players we were missing adds up to a pretty good pre-season hit out. Would be good to have another - anyone got any options? It was mentioned at the game we should at least try to get most of us together for a kickabout before the start of season.

Gustona said...

another warm up game would be best, match fitness and all. Otherwise the stallwarts might have a 5 a side kick about on a saturday or sunday?
How is This saturday around 1pm? Just a suggestion - to get the ball rolling. Our first game is at Alex Moore 2 Vs Nth Wgtn Villa at 12:30. That's less than two weeks people!!

Does anybody know anyone from the Raiders? They might be able to play at short notice this weekend?