Wednesday, March 9, 2011

New Arrival

So every new signing brings a few teething problems right? I know that Dan doesn't read this blog, so just want to suggest that we take a few tips from the rumoured disfunction in the Chelsea locker room and just phase him out. Make him sit by himself in the changing room, let the skipper try to hit on his girl, and most importantly ignore him during the game. Analysis from the Chelsea-Blackpool game shows that there were 3 or 4 times when Torres was free in the box, but players did not/refused to pass to him.

This conspiracy theory is also driven by Torres's reaction to this where instead of looking frustrated or upset barely even acknowledged anything - as though he knew he was being phased out and accepted he wasn't getting any love. I'm with the Chelsea players on this, screw the fancy new signings, lets make Dan an outcast from the beginning, lets break his spirit and love for the game, drive away all those spectators he will bring to the game.  Screw Dan and all his game winning skills and abilities - they just ain't stallion-like. F****er

Nah, Welcome Dan - great to have you as a full team member as we embark on the heady rise up the grades. A great signing, excellent way to start the season.

And all power to the Stallions who won the University 5 aside tourney - a good omen, well played.

The twilight team just had a competitive, hard game that had the potential to get a bit nasty. Of course we won easily in the end, but interesting to see the team name on their strip - The Karori Magpies, our 'friendly' opposition in a couple of weeks. Bring your shinpads!

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