Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Pre-season wrap-up

With the pre season done and dusted, I thought I'd do a bit of a wrap-up and look at the pros and cons of what has been our most comprehensive pre-season yet. 2 games (or one game and 2 half games) brought most people out of hibernation which was great to see.

While the Stallions have never been prolific goal scorers, the pre season games did cough up some early candidates for goal of the season. While they will never be voted on as they happened in pre season, they were still great nonetheless. All goals were scored from outside the box, and thankfully they were all caught on camera.

R Walker vs Karori Magpies

L Lepper vs Karori Magpies

A Lister vs Under 12s

To be fair to Aaron, it didn't look quite like this - it was from about 25 yards out the front rather than the side.

It was also good to see Panda walking around and good to know that if we ever need a babysitter then we can call on him.

While attack has never been prolific, the defense has always been very stingy. While we got destroyed early on in the game against the Magpies, we fought back well to win the second half 2-1. In the second pre season game we were our typical stingy selves, only conceding the one goal, and what a goal it was...

And while the above goal was a little unfortunate, this one was just plain inexcusable. I wont mention names, but this diminutive midfielder has been known to give shit towards the forwards for worrying more about their looks than scoring goals, scored one of the best goals of last season, and had his whole family there to point and laugh when he missed this sitter (at least the kids did, the wife just looked at the ground and shook her head).
(Take your pick as to which one he was)

The red mist also descended (from a Red Devils fan no less) and a late, from behind, studs up, at the back of the knee, two-footed, premeditated tackle was made. Reports suggested that even Joey Barton blushed with embarrassment when he saw it. See for yourself

But seriously, it's been a good couple of games. I think if we focus on keeping our positions on the field and not getting sucked in or drawn out of position, as well as moving the ball quickly (doesn't matter if it's not forward or doesn't immediately open up the play, just dont get caught in position) we'll be all good.

As an illustration of what I mean, have a look at this video.

Obviously Barca are an amazing team and to do this you need a decent 10m pass and control, but look at the way they moved the ball around the back. There was no real "dangerous" pass until the end, but they kept the ball moving. The Magpies did this a lot against us and it opened us up. Not every ball has to be forward, and you don't have to do something amazing every time you touch the ball. You do have to move the ball quickly though as if you spend too long on the ball you and your support players get closed down and you're left with nothing other than route 1 football.


purely belter said...

Love the You Tube exaggerations have you had a few have ya ;P

T said...

Good call on the ball movement. Just like how we scored the first goal last weekend. No miracle balls, just direct passing to feet and people looking to move for the ball.

005 said...

That's some funny shit, love the commentator laughing at the keeper, and those open goals - can so see the Stallions doing that.

Talking about the ugly though - Joe, come on - that guy was about 5 foot 7 and 50 kgs, damn and you took out with menance from behind! Total red card moment. Perhaps it was necessary, that little f**ker later skinner 2 of our defenders many times in the box and almost scored in our one moment of real defensive fraility. Corey, do you want to see a youtube clip of that?

Good stuff stallies - we are as ready for the new season as we have ever been.

purely belter said...
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purely belter said...

It's your blog put whatever you want up there

005 said...

More pictures of cats!

StevieG said...

That Paul Scholes special by Joe had to be made, def yellow card though.

The keeper clip is an exact replica, amazing!

Rauru said...

Ed's note: Footage of said late tackle has been found and added to the post.

Jamie said...

That keeper clip was perfection of last weekends bouncer, something to remember (something I would like to forget) but cannot be voted on as it was pre-season.

Anonymous said...

haha.. huge exagarration on the tackle.. there was no contact to the knee - it was all ankle Rauru. No excuses though, it was poorly timed and Id been beaten for pace, but there was no malice ...honest!

But hey, thats the last rash challenge for me of this season (=
