Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Fantasy Points vs Raiders Redux

Here we go again, a good performance, but again the Defence get slammed. I am already coming up with plans to correct the imbalance for next season. Until then, let this continue.

After the total lack of MVP suggestions last week, this week it was decided in the car on the ways back, with concussed Mike taking the lead. (A great heard from the sidelines quote: 'I think that hard header before the game may have knocked me out a little. I wasn't quite there all game'.  3 MVP points pretty obvious - Tangihaere had an outstanding game. Through Graham picks up the Stallion - and that squeal Rauru mentioned must almost be a contender for celebration of the season. Joe unfortunately picks up the pony for the atrocious tackle. Still it was never a pen though - whinging Raiders.

3 - Tangihaere
2 - Aaron
1 - Tristin

Fantasy points:
Tangihaere: 4 (+60, -1 for 2 goals conceded, 3 mvps)
All other defenders 1
Graham: 7 (+60, mf goal)
Aaron: 10 (+60, 2 assists, 2 bps)
All other midfielders 2
Tristin 11 (+60, 2 striker goals, 1 bp)
Other strikers 2

Leaderboard don't change much with the usual suspects out of the points:
Paddy 53
Rauru 51
Panda 46
Lloyd 43

That's me, off to Sydney tomorrow - go well Stallions, send us into the forbidden realms of Div 6, and celebrate the promotion the way it deserves. Oh yeah, someone txt me the result. Gutted to be missing this.


Tangi said...

I agree about the points thing. Defenders should only lose points for 2 goals conceeded if we lose the game.

Strikers don't lose points for not scoring.

Rauru said...

Yea, that's a good way to go about it. I think strikers should lose points for not scoring too. Maybe something like if you haven't scored in two games, you are deducted points in subsequent games until you score. Maybe something similar for midfielders in not getting assists? Just throwing ideas out there. It's all a bit of fun though really.

Also, Paul should get a clean sheet bonus. I thought he did really well in the first half and easily dealt with anything that came his way without even as much as a fumble.

Panda said...

I agree with all the above.
Can't really see how Graham was Stallion and didn't get any MVP points and Aaron gets 2? Hmmmm...
I'm desperate for a goal and a win this weekend to top a huge year for the Stallions. We've got the best defence and highest points difference. Let's get stuck in!

Greevis said...

It's all on for 2:30pm at Nairnville again this Saturday; given that all the other games are being played at 12:30 we may even be up before we play. If only someone could go to Miramar and let us know how Marist do against Nth Wgtn.

Rauru said...

Stallion and MVP are completely different things. You can be the crapist player on the park, but if you do something awesome then you can get stallion. Graham's first goal in a million seasons deserves stallion, Aaron playing a good holding midfield role deserved the MVP.

No point worrying about the other game. We need to just play our game and we'll get the result.

purely belter said...

Yeah don't like the whole listening to the radio to scenario
We know what we have to do, we know we can do it, lets get the job done ourselves.