Thursday, July 1, 2010

Fantasy Points vs Lower Hutt

Pic: Rauru's fantasy fairy.

Well, I guess we take the good with the bad, and we have to see Rauru's fantasy value rise after a great game on the weekend. If anything though, this does reveal how when it comes to fantasy points for div 7 they don't quite work, and are heavily biased towards strikers. Lets face it clean sheets are much harder to come by then goals, and strikers don't get penalised for bad games where defence does. Not saying Rauru doesn't deserve 21 points for the weekend (one of the best striking performances in a Stallions top), but he deserved to be punished for all those other games when no goals were scored!

21 points is pretty big - a number of us don't have this many for the entire season! But its all just a bit of fun.

Saturday's results:
Paul 3 (+60, +3 saves)
Mike 3 (+60, 1bp)
Paddy 10 (+60, 2 assists, 2 bps)
Robin 5 (+60, 1 assist)
Rauru 21 (+60, 4 goals, 3bps)
Everyone else 2

Season Totals:
Rauru 43
Panda 38
Paddy 35

Nicely done Rauru, lets have another 4 this weekend!


Anonymous said...

21 points for a game - and still only just a nose in front?

Rauru said...

Points are favoured towards goal scorers, but for a team with the best defence in the grade, there have been a serious lack of clean sheets! And Mr Anon, points weren't started until after the first 4 goals I scored ya smart ass! And a nose in front is still in front!

Anonymous said...

what happened to my 3rd assist???!!

1st was a corner, 2nd was the shot off the post for Goodall (goddman it), and 3rd was left foot cross to rauru for his hat-trick...

005 said...

Right you are Paddy, changes made.