Monday, July 20, 2009

U.S 4 v 3 Marist Cobras Endeavour park #1 12.30pm 18th july 09

What was looking like a casual stroll too an easy three points ended up being a great game of end to end football if you're a neutral that is Stallions grinding out a hard fought yet controversial game of footy 4-3

Being transferred from the "bog of eternal stench" Nairnville park to the wonderful carpet like Endeavour park in Whitby is I'm guessing much like being upgraded from the outhouse to the penthouse fabulous and with the ground perfect, the weather also absolutely stunning it had too be one of the best days we've ever had to play football in a longtime.How Wests who have bugger all teams in cap soccer gets to have a field like this amazes me, therein lies the answer I guess

With Marist roping in anyone they could bludge from the teams playing adjacent to U.S due to them only having 9 players turn up and a neutral cap football ref the stallions finished their warm up feeling pretty confident a win was in the bag.

Marist kicked off and we began to put them under pressure they were barely getting the ball out of their half the first few minutes and the stallions were playing the ball around to feet quite well holding onto possession well and forcing Marist to put the ball out of play a lot.

Marist score 1st
It was completely against the run of play Marist's opening goal a bit of a defensive muck up found the Marist striker one on one with brooks who could do little to stop the ball going under his feet into the back of the net to give Marist a shock early lead 1-0 12minutes

We knew we'd been sucker punched, but it was only a light tap, we got up and kicked off, this time going forward and really starting to open them up with Rauru and Tristin running some nice lines the defense often bypassed the midfield by playing route one football only for U.S to be called offside by the ref even when clearly onside.

The ref was a funny wee bugger, he made some of the most bizarre calls I've seen and he is a fully fledged ref for capital soccer, no slide tackles AT all, umm it's not ballet bro and Joe was pinged for a high knee, lol, a high knee when all he did was lift his leg to control the ball

Our 1st
We'd been in their half for a fair bit of the 1st period and we finally got a corner with Paddy swinging the ball in it found a Marist defenders head who cleared the ball back to paddy who again sent the ball in,Rauru came storming into the outer area of the 6 yard box and he hammered the ball from the right hand side into the top left hand corner of the goal with the sweetest of headers to give U.S a level footing 1-1 after 18minutes

With Marist's head dropping just a little and the stallions looking to press on it wasn't long before we again found ourselves with more shots on goal.
We had put Tristin in good positions a couple of times, one he took a shot only for the keeper to save the ball which was parried out to Aaron who neatly curled the ball into the goal a great bit of follow up work only for the ref to call him offside and disallow what appeared to be a legitimate goal albeit I was 20 yards behind the ref in our own half of the field at the time but it looked good to me, Aaron was running around like a headless chook celebrating for a good 10 -15 seconds before the reality set in his goal would not stand,that Didier Drogba you tube link Rauru posted earlier this season sums it up nicely.

Our 2nd
They really were letting U.S move the ball around and whilst we didn't get it right every time there were moments when looked really good on the ball, given that 7 goals were scored you can forgive me for forgetting some of the finer moments but our 2nd was scored by Tristin I'm going to ramble on and say it came from a Rauru pass which he latched onto and sent the ball past the keeper into the net 2-1 after 30minutes

Feeling reasonably pleased we wanted to start the 2nd half the brightest of the two teams and dominate early

2nd half
Standing in defense waiting for U.S to kick off Jason queried why Hodges and Spencer were both standing out left I thought he was joking surely it was obvious we were employing our only attacking set play the hoof it left and make the left winger run hard to chase it down and send in a cross, sharpen up jase we tried that last weekend too remember ;)

And we failed I believe,
Anyway the game was end to end it began to open up and it meant Marist were having opportunities of their own

Their 2nd
We didn't really shut them down as the came forward and after twisting and turning our defence they managed to get a shot off that went in making the game all even again 2-2 52mins played

Bullsh!t was the general call to that all the defenders agreed we let ourselves down there so it was pleasing to see U.S step up and shut them down for the remainder of the game.

our 3rd
With U.S going forward we were beginning to open them up Panda had received the ball just inside our half and sent a delightful through ball to Tristin who with the keeper coming out off his line curled the ball beautifully around and over the keeper into the net and back in the lead we went 3-2 60minutes

We continued to keep the ball in the marist half and had the ball out on the right hand side, as the ball was crossed into the box it hit a marist players hand and the ref duly awarded a penalty.
With Tristin grabbing the ball a voice cried out from the back I'll take it,give it to me" and up stepped John Terry no wait hang on Jason, he puts the ball on the dot asks the ref if he must wait for the whistle before he can kick, the whistle is blown and Jason is scared by the noise the whistle makes he jumps and sends the meekest shot on goal I've seen since Nick Goodall's clanger out at Petone the other season the ball trickles along the ground to the right hand side of goal only for the lunging keeper to get a hand on the ball and save it the ball going out for a corner
ha ha

Their 3rd
Man how that missed penalty would come back to bite U.S in the bum remember how I said the ref was a bit of a twat actually I said funny wee bugger but after this episode I think he is a twat.
We found ourselves defending our goal and whilst in the 18 yard box Ben Hodges made a brilliant sliding tackle to claim the ball cleanly from the Marist player the ref remember wouldn't allow slide tackles and gave the Marist side a penalty you can guess who'll take an angry man fine after that decision (me) for farks sake I mean I can accept an opposition player as the ref giving a dodgy call like that but really a capital football ref no way.
So the Marist striker steps up shoots the ball and leaves poor brooks unable to stop the ball going in the net game tied 3-3 70minutes

our 4th and winner
Furious is a good word to describe that goal but to our credit we fought on and with time slowly drifting away a through ball again had their defence opened up hoping for an offside that would never come and trusty Tristin went one on one with the keeper getting the better of him and scoring his hatrick and the winner 4-3 80minutes

They tried to grab a late equaliser and whilst in our box Graham and a Marist player came together as the ball went out of play the Marist player went down and howled out for a penalty, Graham stood up and over him in full forceful voice told him just how much of a lie er he was in no uncertain terms, the player got up and crawled away back to position for U.S to take the goal kick,the game would carry on the Stallions eventually holding on to record a well deserved 4-3 victory

Stallions : Ben Brooks,Corey,Jason,Paddy,Mike,Joe,Ben Hodges,Aaron,Tristin,Rauru
Subs: Spencer,Panda

Goals : Rauru,Tristin (3)

This week Stokes Valley @ Delaney park 12.30pm our last game of the regular season


Ben Hodges said...

the first goal, Rauru's, was following through on a stonking shot of Aaron's from outside the box, he glided past a defender then pressed the trigger, hit the underside of the crossbar and bounced out to Rauru.

Aaron's disallowed goal was as a result of Patrick laying the ball off then running on to receive the ball back, running on to the keeper, one on one, Patrick shooting, keeper parrying Aaron scoring, Aaron hooping punching the sky, Aaron's mouth dropping Aaron looking like a boy whose icecream scoop has just fallen off the cone into the sand...

Tristian's first was a nice curling lob over the keeper from just outside the box.

005 said...

Don't think anyone has ever described Aaron as 'gliding' before - nice one! As for the second part, you got it right on the money Ben - I think of it as the moment I lost my smile.

Cheers again Corey - that can't have been an easy one to remember.

Right, we have been useless on the fine sessions, but like last week let's get nominations for Pony, Stallion and MVPs - even missing a week throws the whole system out. Robin and Gus you probably had the best views so speak up too.

And any big fines - if anyone can recall anything truly deserving well it should be recorded.

I'll definitely take one for stepping up and demanding to take the penalty not really expecting Rauru to say okay, but then running away scared when he did just that. As for the missed pen - how much is it Ben? And Tristin deserves as much as Jason.

Ben, your words were so kind, but if Mike got the full pen fine in the magpies game, then you have to take it here, despite just how brilliant it was.

Ok, going to give this some more thought

Rauru said...

And I believe Tristin's first was actually after I had been put through on goal one on one, keeper saved, bounced out for Tristin who calmly slotted it into an open goal from about the penalty spot. His second and third (another assist from yours truly-I need all the credit I can get) was more or less as Corey described.

My goal was as Ben remembers it, but the keeper got a hand on it from Aaron's shot which put it onto the underside of the bar.

Tristin Stallion (3 important well finished goals cant go unrewarded) Jason Pony (missed penalty cant go unrewarded).

MVP: 3-Paddy (great balls through and general play), 2-Mike (great runs down the line and good passing to feet - no shanks from memory), 1-Tristin (well taken goals)

Fines: Paddy for missing what we thought was going to be first goal in for ever. Jason and Ben H for penalties at either end. Tristin for offering everyone including the ref the chance to take the penalty, Aaron for acting big man then running away like a girl with the penalty, Brooks for conceding 3 (not much he could do but after two clean sheets it had to happen), Brooks for missing a game to buy a car, Aaron for now being only Stallion who doesn't drive, Corey and Gus for not being able to put up a net properly. That's all off the top of my head for now.

Paddy said...

would have been my first goal in open play since my Stallions debut in April 2007!!!! Since then I've only scored from a pen and a free kick - time to call it a day methinks...

Huge fine for Rauru for the time when he had Mike completely unmarked in about 50m of space but instead literally tried to beat 4 defenders on his own and score. Gus was in hysterics on the sideline as soon as Rauru refused to pass and said "if he doesn't score from this it's a massive fine".

Fine for Ben H for having to fall over every time before attempting to pass.

Angry man for Graham(?) or whoever it was who screamed at the marist guy that he was a cheat when he tried to get the pen at the end of the game.

Greevis said...

I'll take that angry man; was a good description of the incident Corey, the term used rhyme's with Cow Clit as I recall.

It was the second time that half an attacker had fallen over in the box under my attentions; there was one earlier where the guy just tripped over my feet. Both had more to do with a lack of attacking acumen and ballance than foul play.

Ben Hodges said...

Although it made me laugh every time Tristian tried to outrun a defender i guess he deserves something for 3 goals
3 points Tristan

2 points Mike for playing his best game yet for the Stallions

1 point Patrick cos i feel sorry for him


I would like to give it to the ref on account of how much of the game he was involved in but failing him
Aaron for working hard getting in to scoring opportunities and generally being in a better mood on the field than i have seen him all year

I was torn between giving Aaron Stallion or Pony - Pony on account of doing every thing but score but i guess ultimately a missed penalty is inexcusable Jason - Jason for pony on account of the missed penalty and for consistently NEVER calling for the ball. Making great and critical tackles/clearences gets my full respect Jason, but one of these days you are going to snap me in half.

I will take the fine for my penality the fact that it shouldn't have been is now well documented but i would also question now that i come to think of it whether it was actually inside the box even- might have been just outside.

Cory gets angry man fine too
Aaron fined for scoring but not scoring
Patrick for not scoring in a one on one
Rauru for dusting off the albotross.
Mike foul throw fine
A fine for everyone who was penalised by the ref..because he did warn us!

Butch said...

I understand it is usually a safe bet, but for the record, i didn't get fouled for any throw-ins on Saturday.

Hairy said...

Funny Hodges!! I did keep my feet at least(i think)that #16 was like being marked by the rocket man? and believe it or not i was quite quick in my day in rugby times, but I have had to many long off seasons since then still a few more to shed! I agree with paddy on Ra's complete disregard for Mike who had made the french run from the end of the earth and was then ignored, we all had a chuckle on the sideline about that one.

purely belter said...

Yeah sorry the match report was a complete waffle on I liken it to News of the world or an article from the Sun, at least I know people read it now I guess

Stallion : Tristin
Pony :Jason

mvp's 3 Tristin

2 Panda

1 paddy

Rauru said...

Shit, must have had the blinkers on I guess. I think I remember my run, but didn't see Mike looming up on the outside.

And Tristin, Eddie the Eel would seem like a rocket man at the pace you were moving at!

005 said...

Ha, so many comments - funny what goals will do!

Stallion: Mike B - many moments of genius
Pony: Jason, no doubt.

3 - Tristin (as much as I hate to admit it)
2 - Joe
1 - Panda

Hairy said...

ha ha cheers Ra ! nice to know us strikers stick together !
Any word on numbers this weekend?

Butch said...

I know goals get all the glory, but...

3. Tristin (Goals, Goals, Goals!)
2. Aaron (Worked hard and denied a great goal)
1. Paddy (many nice through balls).

Stallion: Graham for shouting down any thoughts the ref had of awarding another pen.
Pony: Jason... we were a little confused on the sideline watching that!