Thursday, July 2, 2009

Who was the missing link?

You all remember the goal. 85th minute. Stallions in a tight drawn game against Stokes Valley (was it SV?). Aaron takes the ball just inside the half, gets on the outside of his player and unleashes a fierce drive that just squeezes under the bar (watch the video - it was caught on camera if you don't believe me).

You all surely remember it. A goal that will go down in the history of the Stallions (or so Aaron will have you believe). But what if you don't remember it? Corey, Nick and Lloyd won't remember it as they weren't there, but I remember we only had two subs (I was on the sideline with Mike I think when the goal was scored) so someone else must not have been there. Who was it? If you speak up then I can credit your account with a missed game, but if not then you might be forced to sit out a game when you dont have to, which is kinda stink.


005 said...

Yeah, he had to use his right foot though. Pussy.

Was it Panda who missed?

Rauru said...

That would explain why no one has said anything on the blog or email if it was him.

Greevis said...

Twas I that was absent (again). Don't think there is too much chance that others will have missed more than I though!