Thursday, July 16, 2009

Because not much else is going on...

Any more rain and I doubt we'll be playing, but even if we do Nairnville could quite possibly look like this...

And because there's no football going on, here's some comments that are even stupidier than Hodges...

Stupid Things Actually Said By Soccer Commentators

1. Well, it's Bears two, Socks none, and if the score stays this way, I've got to fancy Bears for the win.

2. He had an eternity to play that ball, but took too long.
(Probably talking about Mike)

3. And so they have not been able to improve on their 100% record.

4. With the last kick of the game, he scored with a header.

5. Well, it's a fabulous kaleidoscope of colour: almost all the Brazilians are wearing yellow shirts.

6. If that had gone in, it would definitely have been a goal.

7. Their manager isn't here today, which strongly suggests that he may be elsewhere.

8. I am a firm believer that if one team scores a goal, the other need to score two to win.
(Which is what Uni did to us. Let's not forget that game...ever)

9. If a team scores early on, it often takes an early lead.

10. You cannot possibly have counted the number of passes made, but there were eight.
(Probably talking about Gus' stats for an entire game)


005 said...

Love it - especially the one about the brazilians in yellow shirts and the dig at Gus. Nice work!

purely belter said...

If we do play it wont be at Nairnville I just had a look there #1 is a bog and is roped off I doubt any teams will play on that again this season and #2 is only marginally better no bog but lots of water so look out for a transfer to porirua or upper hutt somewhere