Sunday, July 12, 2009

U.S 1 v 0 Karori Ace's Onepoto pk #1, 11th july 2.30pm

A Ben Hodges tap and a great all round team display were the difference today as the Stallions recorded their 2nd consecutive win and clean sheet shutting out a gritty and determined Karori Ace's 1-0

On a field that looked like rugby had been played, or at least trained on it all week long, playing the ball on the ground would pose some problems but it didn't stop U.S playing some neat football right across the park.

With a number of 1st team starters out with commitments the reserves bench was summoned to front up and fill the void left by those missing members.
Matt and Dan came into a very strong Stallions starting lineup and set the standard early on, attacking football from the back through to front and across the park was going to be the order of the day.

With Jamie reffing the Ace's kicked off towards the road end of the park they quickly found themselves under pressure as the Stallions looked to get an early foothold and dominate the game from the off, the midfield looking to close down any of their movement going forward and our defence bullish and strong but always calm and collected shutting them out with little trouble, it was going to be hard for the Ace's to get much into the box to put U.S under pressure.

Our football going forward was certainly some of the nicest and fluent we've played all season even on the very bobbly field our midfield wasn't afraid of taking on the Ace's from anywhere, Matt especially along with Joe and Ben H all looking to manoeuvre round and set up our strikers Gus and Tristin who themselves did well to turn the Aces defence,with Graham and Spencer linking well down the left flank also it seemed only a matter of time before the dominance would pay off in a goal.

We were given a free kick about 25 yards out just to the right of the centre of goal and Matt had a beautiful curling attempt on the left hand top corner parried away by their keeper to save the aces going 1-0 down early.

Our Goal.
It was definitely a div 7 finish to some top draw build up play that gave U.S the winning goal.
Some neat inter play from our brilliant defenders had the ball move up the right hand side of the field, Tristin held onto it just outside the 18 yard box right hand side and from that a cross was sent into the box across the face of goal to the left hand goalpost where Graham and Ben H were waiting Graham cropped the ball in the groin down to the ground and was forced off the ball by Ben H who tapped it into the goal, pretty harsh on the Ace's really to give up a goal like that but we certainly deserved to be in front 1-0 25mins

The game continued and the Ace's were really determined to get back on equal terms trying to find a gap to send their strikers through, pulling U.S out wide then cutting back in, but our back four were tremendous all game the combination of Jason and Dan in the centre with Joe, Graham and Mike all filling the fullback positions throughout the game completely closing them down and then hitting back by quickly counter attacking this gave U.S some great opportunities to kill the game off but the ace's held strong and some of our final touches due to the ground were just letting U.S down.

The half would end with the game starting to even up a little but the lead still in our favour.

We were pretty happy with our performance thus far but knew we needed to stay focused and sharp right from the start, we let ourselves down the last time we met so it was important too start the better of the two sides.
Jamie couldn't ref his knee had become to painful so we were forced into a reshuffle,Paddy had too shoot off halfway through the first half, his attempt to fool his wife into thinking he'd gotten over the flu so he could play was scuppered when she rang too tell him his boy was sick and he needed to go home right away to tend to him, hope he's alright mate.
Gus took over the reffing duties and our subs bench quickly went from three to one.

2nd half

The game restarted with what now seems our main kickoff tactic the hoof it down the left hand side of the field for the left mid to chase, shame we hadn't told the left mid what we were doing ha ha.
Anyway the Ace's were trying to get up the field and attack U.S early on and while we didn't start the sharpest we quickly got back into the rhythm of the game and made sure they had no chance on our goal ,we went on attack ourselves but just couldn't get the ball to sit right or our shots were way off target, we created a ton of opportunities but couldn't turn them into goals. Matt was totally carving them up all game in the midfield he had a few shots which went just over the top of the crossbar,but as the game carried on it was the Ace's who started to get right back into the game,a nice bit of play by them saw a shot going into the top left hand corner of our goal parried out for a corner by our keeper the resulting corner was pushed clear by the keeper also which fell into the path of an Ace's player whose shot was set well wide of our left hand goal post.

Their best attempt was to come about five minutes later, a corner from our left hand side was sent into the box and an Ace's player had a free header which he hammered in towards the goal only for the grace of Aaron's quick reflexes instinctively sticking his left leg out to it and the ball ricocheted off his knee out into general play where we cleared the ball, a certain goal saved right off the line.

The game would two and fro for the rest of the game and the Stallions would go on to record a well deserved 1-0 victory

Stallions : Corey,Mike,Dan,Jason,Graham,Spencer,Ben H,Matt,Joe,Tristin,Gus.
Subs: Aaron,Panda,Paddy

Goals: Ben H 25mins

next week Marist Cobras @ Nairnville #2 12.30pm


Ben Hodges said...

Did i force you off the ball Graham? If so sorry... but wasn't it more like it came off your chest just as a defender got in your path, the ball dropped behind the defender to me and i just kind of pushed the ball on its way (for the last 3/4 of a yard). My elbows almost certainly came up at the same time as my arse thrust out but it was more for any chopping defenders that were about than to get you off the ball. On the bright side Graham your nipple can claim an assist. And if its any consolation my 3/4 yard goal is fairly light on glory.

purely belter said...

yeah the finer details were a bit hazy I was going by what I remember seeing and the comments I heard about it at half time

005 said...

Ha, yeah - not the crowning glory on what was a damn fine game Ben. Well played.

Cheers for the report again Corey - can't help but feel it was a little generous though - thought that except for a few moments (mainly involving Dan and Matt) we were pretty crap (and very quiet). But a clean sheets a clean sheet, and 3 points is 3 points. Shame that marist beat Magpies- pretty much keeps us out of 3rd place.

With no fine session, and the email voting system last time turning to crap perhaps we should just use the blog to nominate mvp points and pony/stallion. So post your thoughts here (involving regulars only) and mid week ben can make the finemasters decision? As for fines ...

If we are going to got that way, i think I would go:
3 - Jason
2 - Hodges
1 - Corey

Hmm, will have to think about Pony and Stallion a bit further ...

purely belter said...

It may seem a bit rose tinted but that's how I saw it from where I was

Jason 3
Joe 2
Tristin 1

Stallion Aaron for the save off the line

Pony Paddy for buggering off using his son as an excuse ;)

005 said...

Oh yeah, Joe had a good game too, thats the trouble with this system!

purely belter said...

you could even through panda in the mix as well

Ben Hodges said...
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005 said...

Ben H says:

3 points Corey you were the difference between 1 nil and 1 - 4
2 points spencer for doing some good D at critical moments
1 point Graham for beating someone on the outside and a few other notable exchanges

stallion - Cory for a sensational save late on reaching high and across his body to punch the bullet over the bar.
Pony - Patrick as per above

Jobbler said...

Hmmm. Based on the ACES overall standings on the table, today should have been a walk in the park, but that wasn't the case.

The ACES were still looking for their first 2009 season points and they felt that after the last encounter between us, who would have blamed them to come out all guns blazing.
The ACES showed from the start that they weren't going to be as easy as their current standings showed them to be and they maintained that effort throughout the whole game, continuously creating opportunities to break through our defence. As per usual, U.S showed their committement to the Green & Gold strip by not slacking off and securing U.S the 3 points.

Highlights & lowlights would have to be:
1- Corey (AKA - The Eager Beaver) stretching to his top left to push the ball over the cross bar after one of the ACES were left unmarked with plenty of time on our 18 yard line.
2- Aaron being in the right place at the right time after the ACES corner connected with their number 10's head (who manage to race into the area unnoticed) providing a solid header at goal.
3- Nice gentle tap into the net Hodges, but the 2nd half proved too show a couple of stand out moments. The first one was when Matt crossed a pearler of a ball to the P.S which then connected with the back of your head as you were doing a midair Pirouette (Still trying to figure out how this no looking shot at goal was going to work for you, but keep up the good work) And the 2nd was just on our side of half way you attempted to do a Flying Sidekick, which put you on your back and the ball within reaching distance (this is the move that bruce lee does in most of his movies, its a beautiful and powerful kick if done correctly, but essentially useless because it requires so much preparation, which was not an option)

3- Aaron for being in the right place at the right time from the corner, cause from the side line, that header had a snotload of power behind it.
2- Corey for his eagerness to come out to the ball even though he was the last man, he committed himself fully and pulled quite a number of match winning saves
1- Jason for applying enough pressure on the ACES striker to make him lose focus and completely miss the ball when he was gifted an open goal opportunity late in the 2nd half.
Stallion - Corey for being so eager to make the ball his as soon as it got anywhere near his area
Pony - Paddy. If your well enough to turn up in your gear, then your well enough to play. Cell phones should be turned off once you turn upto a game.

Jobbler said...

Its a shame we cant give points to everyone who played today, everyone deserves recognition for playing their part in making sure that U.S were not the first team to give the ACES their first points of 2009.

Ben Hodges said...

that cross was funny, it was perfectly placed but it came at me like a fken rocket. No sooner was i aware a ball was coming in than it was on me... didn't have time to turn fully on to the ball hence the reverse header was the best i could manage, hell it was only 8 metres wide of the goal...not bad by my standards.

T said...

Jobbler that kind of talk is like Italy celebrating that they only lost by 22 points. The position that the ACES are on the table (not having seen the game) it should be much more like how the AB's feel after beating Italy, it's a win but shouldn't be feeling too happy about it

005 said...

Yep, sums up how it looked to me Tangihaere.

These nominations for Paddy for Pony are a little rough - possible sickness at home for the young one sounds like a pretty good reason to take off to me. Perhaps we should fine all those who started but refused to come off despite multiple calls from the bench in the first half. Paddy would have been on the field and not able to answer the phone if some one had actually subbed off for him before what 20 mins?

Stallion - Corey - that save was epic.

005 said...

Although, saying that - I did angrily drag Ben off midway through the first half only to find that Paddy was almost back in Wellington ...

Rauru said...

Hmmmm, that match report is not quite what I was expecting after receiving a match report that said in part "football definately not the winner". 2 sides to every story though I guess. Well done on getting the win boys, lets finish the season strong.

And Brooks, sounds like you may have a hard time getting the gloves back. You have to compete with two clean sheets, a stallion, and multiple MVP points...

purely belter said...

Oh well those unhappy with the result who were or weren't there should take some advice from Steve Hansen "flush it down the dunnie and move on"...

It was div 7 football let's not hide from that,but,jesus we did play some neat ball to feet and carved them up at times, take the win and be happy remember we only won by a goal and struggled the last time we played and they were very much up for this game as per the last time we met, so don't get all bent up with where they are in the table they would have been desperate to get their first points of the season we did well to shut them out COYS'S

Ben Hodges said...

You know what i am struggling to recall us seriously testing their keeper. Did he make a significant save all game?

We might be lucky to have the 3 points, actually considering how busy Cory was at the other end.

Hairy said...

I had a few chances to get him to make a save, it just wasnt my day on another day we may have been able to get 3-4 more, but i agree wasnt a pretty game at all. Defence played well though, all the MVP points should go that way.
see Stokes valley score 12-1!

StevieG said...

We could've scored a few more, although they had a few decent chances too. Great D in the second half to hang on, everyone did their bit there...

Anonymous said...

Sounds like pony talk to me hairy ...

Hairy said...

Ha ha, no doubt, and my two class touches in the second within a minute of each other may qualify me also