Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Great Stallions Captioning Contest 1

Here we go, another of Jamie's photos from last season. There are some good ones,and if you played vs Stop Out first round last season you will feature (some in more embarassing situations than others - bleeding helped draw Jamie's attention!). I'm going to release these photographs slowly. At least 3 good captions required for this one before we move on.


Ben Hodges said...

Let's not do a caption competition - lets do a "spot the chest hair" competition...

StevieG said...

Corey was pleased to get immunity for the next tribal council...

Anonymous said...

Stallions Calender - Mr March 2009

purely belter said...

Look at the state of that would you.
I'm a walking poster for anorexia,I mean I'd be the health warning on a weight watchers box,if you didn't follow the instructions properly.
As for chest hair, pfft no chance !!

005 said...

The blood bin was controversially trialled in the Tawa under 12's.

Anonymous said...

Staring with contempt at the pitiful figure in front of them the guards decided that the conditions at the prisoner of war camp were just too harsh.

Anonymous said...

Look Mum, I got dirty.

Can we go to McDonalds now...

005 said...

Quick, someone get Ben B's mankind mask and see-through nightie thingy.