Thursday, February 26, 2009

A Little Man, A Big Goal - the set up

What better way to fire up the team preseason that photographs of great games past. Thanks Jamie for the photos - great work, and there are some doozies to be released over the next little while, so keep checking in. Great chance for some take the piss caption competition me thinks.

But first, lets sit back and admire. Ben H gets a little bit of abuse on this blog, but how can you argue with the following photographs (split over several parts).


Ben Hodges said...

Sensational...that has made my life.

Ben Hodges said...

the first slide gives you a bit of a taste i guess for the all arms and legs but no right foot characteristics for which i am renowned...

005 said...

Now I hate to say it, but I also have video evidence of your magic headed goal against Magpies. How did that happen? You scored a pitiful 3 goals all season and 2 of them were immortalised forever on film.