Tuesday, September 2, 2008


For those people wondering how many games they did in fact play, here are the facts.

So amazingly I was the only one to play every match. Aaron and Ben were away for one and Jason kindly sat out once for the team.

Pretty good commitment all round really. Special mention goes to Nick W who payed full subs for only 7.5 games (More than you thought aye?). And Jamie, who I did refund some money, but he only played 4 bit part games. What a horror season for you mate.

Graham also was fairly low in the games played stakes, racking up only 9 appearances and on closer inspection he only once played 3 in a row. I'm not picking on you G, just pointing out the facts.

Late recruits Panda and Mike got alright value with 7 and 8 games respectively. Again, more than you thought aye Panda?

And our resident walking injury Corey actually managed 10 appearances, although how long those appearances were is another question.

On the goals side of things, Tristin finishes with an impressive one goal per game strike rate, while Gus finished with a respectable goal every 1.375 matches.

Last years golden boot Ben H, finished with only the 3 goals, but I'm sure he'll tell you he made up for it in assists.

Speaking of assists, I have a very unofficial incomplete tally (mostly only recorded what I could remember - so often just my own;)), but in case you were wondering this is how I have it:
Me 4,
Tristin, Rob, Gus 2
Hodges, Corey, Paddy 1

Now there's something to get you all fired up...