Monday, September 1, 2008

A Challenge Laid Down?

From YF:

Yes somewhat regrettably we wont agree to a challenge, the Sealords firmly believe they are a side deserving of promotion into Capital 6 - albeit if we are the best or 2nd best in the league. And also just remember on H&A result we beat Magpies 4-1 on GD - and in fact I don't think there is a team that beats us on H&A result (correct me if I am wrong)
On paper and by results the Sealords and Magpies should be promoted, i would love to see Uni offer to have a final against the Magpies to decide promotion - however that probably wont happen will it??
To the magpies - if you would like a friendly this Saturday to fill in the empty spaces that the next month without Saturday sport will bring, please let me know.
Anyway to the rest of the league the Sealords would like to say congrats to everyone for a great season despite the weather...Big%20smile

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