Sunday, June 1, 2008

U.S 1 v 1 W/S Karori Sealords 12.30pm Benburn Park Karori

Yesterdays draw felt almost like a loss,more so for the fact we led for most of the game.
While the opposition will be claiming, it was they who finished the stronger, thus deserved the win. (pfft jog on young In's)

Transferred from Nairnville park to Ben burn park Karori,it was established early that once again, the Stallions would struggle for numbers on the field.
Only once this season have the Stallions had more than one sub to choose from.

This week would prove no different,with the long weekend and several players away on respective holidays ,the Stallions took the field with no subs,but that changed Gus played the better late than never card and arrived as the whistle was blown for the start of the first half.

With the Stallions kicking off,both sides looked to play attacking football and establish early dominance,playing a lot more ball to feet football this week, the Stallions made the best of the early opportunities given to them,some neat passing through the left found Graham out on the left wing with enough time to send a ball into the box,the ensuing melee for the ball as it bobbled around somehow fell into Aaron's lap and he duly slotted the ball into the back of the net 1-0 to the stallions after 20 minutes.
With the Sealords unhappy with how they'd let themselves go 1-0 down,they restarted the game and went for it, hoping to catch the stallions out,moving the ball in through the middle and out wide hoping to split the defence,while setting up their strikers in the box,they did manage at times to really test us but most shots were from well outside the 18 yard box and Brooks had most of them covered.
With the game starting to light up the Stallions had their chances too,Rob firing a shot from the best part of 25 yards only to see it go wide of the left post.
The Sealords tried to mount an attack down the right hand side Mike B was on hand to send the ball out of play but unfortunately for him and the team it would be his last involvement in the game,as he left the field with a pulled hamstring,the Stallions now set to play the rest of the game with no subs.
With both sides having a real go at each others goals the Stallions went into the half time turn around with a 1-0 lead.

The 2nd half kicked off with the Sealords trying to pick up where they left off in the first half and with a few changes at half time,some fresh legs were going to give them the edge over the next 45 minutes.
The Sealords continued to press forward and attack both through the middle and out wide,with the stallions doing well,especially the central midfield of Paddy and Ben H who were both having great games,keeping the sealords chances limited in the centre of the park and away from our goal box, the sealords best chances coming from corners, though the Stallions were generally on hand to get the ball away from danger.
we too had some good attacking moments a few forays forward that we were unlucky to finish off with a few shots wide and over the bar.

The equalising goal came after a mix up about 20 yards out to the left of the Stallions goal.A miss timed pass had the Sealords capitalising and a cross into the box was met with a head of a karori player sandwiched between three stallions, the ball neatly put in the net to give the sealords a lifeline 1-1 with about 20 -25 mins to go.
The game began to really open up down the flanks and both sides were eager to grab the winning goal,neither side willing to let the other score as the game went on a few chances went begging but the game was to end all tied up at 1-1.

Stallions team Ben B,Mike B,Nick,Jason,Corey,Graham,Ben H,Patrick,Aaron,Rob,Panda,Gus

Goals Aaron 25mins
Sealords 65 mins

next week Stop Out at Trafalgar park 2.30pm


005 said...

'Ball somehow fell at Aaron's feet' - try pinpoint positional play meant that Aaron was exactly in the right place to collect the uncleared ball. I think our match reporter is envious of my rapid rise up the goalscorers table. And after that hideously miscued shot on Saturday I don't see him joining me anytime soon.

purely belter said...

no "some how fell into Aaron's lap" can you not read ;)
If I was bitter I would've said "after kicking several opponents shins, Aaron finally got a touch on the ball and it thankfully went into the back of the net" but only if i was bitter that is

005 said...

Poor bitter Corey, you will score one day, I'm kinda sure about it. I believe in you. But I 100% agree with the 'thankfully' bit. BTW, good work to you and Nick for out-talking the yung-ins on the YF thread.

purely belter said...

cheeky bastards

Anonymous said...

On a more positive note - I'd forgotten about Rob's shot. I had a good view from goal and it was a screamer, just started to bend in a little too late.