Saturday, June 14, 2008

Post #100

Jake was none too happy that Austria got the late equaliser

What an honor. In only a few short months, the Stallions website has reached post #100, and I have the honor of writing it. Post 100 deserves to be a momentous occasion. A post filled with wit. A post filled with history. A post that people look back on in years to come and say "Ah yes. Post number 100. I remember it well". It should be a post where, like when Shortland Street reached episode number 4000 and brought back on Dr Ropata (yes I heard about it from the other side of the world), originals should be brought in to reminisce on their time with the Stallions.
However, post #100 will be none of those things, and will instead be the latest Euro picks. It's currently half time in the Italy - Romania game, and despite the 0-0 score line, it's actually been a pretty entertaining game with keepers having to make some great saves. Before this game Romania were rated the least attacking team in the comp based on attacking passes after the woeful game with France. In this game however they look to be stepping it up, with both teams knowing that a loss will almost certainly rule them out of the knock-out phase.
So without further ado, here are the picks:
Italy vs Romania 1-0
Netherlands vs France 2-1
Sweden vs Spain 0-2
Greece vs Russia 0-0
Turkey vs Czech Republic 0-1
Switzerland vs Portugal 0-2
Poland vs Croatia 0-2
Austria vs Germany 0-3
Italy vs Romania 3-1
Netherlands vs France 2-2
Sweden vs Spain 0-3
Greece vs Russia 2-1
Turkey vs Czech Republic 2-3
Switzerland vs Portugal 1-3
Poland vs Croatia 0-2
Austria vs Germany 0-3
Ben B
Italy vs Romania 2-0
Netherlands vs France 1-0
Sweden vs Spain 1-2
Greece vs Russia 2-0
Turkey vs Czech Republic 1-0
Switzerland vs Portugal 0-2
Poland vs Croatia 0-1
Austria vs Germany 0-2
Italy vs Romania 1-1
Netherlands vs France 2-1
Sweden vs Spain 0-1
Greece vs Russia 2-0
Turkey vs Czech Republic 2-0
Switzerland vs Portugal 1-4
Poland vs Croatia 1-1
Austria vs Germany 0-3
Italy vs Romania 2-0
Netherlands vs France 2-1
Sweden vs Spain 0-2
Greece vs Russia 1-0
Turkey vs Czech Republic 0-2
Switzerland vs Portugal 0-2
Poland vs Croatia 0-1
Austria vs Germany 0-3
Italy vs Romania 1-0
Netherlands vs France 1-2
Spain vs Sweden 2-0
Greece vs Russia 0-1
Turkey vs Czech Republic 1-2
Switzerland vs Portugal 1-3
Poland vs Croatia 0-2
Austria vs Germany 0-3

Italy vs Romania 2-0
Netherlands vs France 1-1
Sweden vs Spain 1-3
Greece vs Russia 1-1
Turkey vs Czech Republic 1-2
Switzerland vs Portugal 0-3
Poland vs Croatia 0-2
Austria vs Germany 0-3

Italy vs Romania 2-0
Netherlands vs France 1-2
Sweden vs Spain 0-2
Greece vs Russia 1-1
Turkey vs Czech Republic 0-1
Switzerland vs Portugal 0-2
Poland vs Croatia 0-2
Austria vs Germany 0-3

Nick G
Italy vs Romania 1-1
Netherlands vs France 1-1
Spain vs Sweden 2-1
Greece vs Russia 1-2
Turkey vs Czech Republic 0-2
Switzerland vs Portugal 1-3
Poland vs Croatia 0-1
Austria vs Germany 0-3

Italy vs Romania 1-0
Netherlands vs France 1-0
Sweden vs Spain 0-1
Greece vs Russia 0-1
Turkey vs Czech Republic 0-1
Switzerland vs Portugal 0-1
Poland vs Croatia 0-1
Austria vs Germany 0-3
Italy vs Romania 1-0
Netherlands vs France 2-1
Sweden vs Spain 0-2
Greece vs Russia 0-1
Turkey vs Czech Republic 1-1
Switzerland vs Portugal 0-1
Poland vs Croatia 0-1
Austria vs Germany 0-2

Italy vs Romania 1-0
Netherlands vs France 2-2
Sweden vs Spain 1-3
Greece vs Russia 1-1
Turkey vs Czech Republic 1-2
Switzerland vs Portugal 1-3
Poland vs Croatia 0-1
Austria vs Germany 0-2

Italy vs Romania 2-0
Netherlands vs France 3-1
Sweden vs Spain 2-1
Greece vs Russia 1-0
Turkey vs Czech Republic 0-3
Switzerland vs Portugal 0-3
Poland vs Croatia 0-1
Austria vs Germany 1-3
Ben H
Italy vs Romania 2-1
Netherlands vs France 2-1
Sweden vs Spain 0-2
Greece vs Russia 0-1
Turkey vs Czech Republic 0-2
Switzerland vs Portugal 0-1
Poland vs Croatia 0-3
Austria vs Germany 0-2

Italy vs Romania 2-0
Netherlands vs France 1-1
Sweden vs Spain 1-3
Greece vs Russia 0-2
Turkey vs Czech Republic 0-2
Switzerland vs Portugal 0-3
Poland vs Croatia 0-1
Austria vs Germany 0-3

Italy vs Romania 1-0
Netherlands vs France 1-0
Sweden vs Spain 0-2
Greece vs Russia 0-1
Turkey vs Czech Republic 0-1
Switzerland vs Portugal 0-1
Poland vs Croatia 0-1
Austria vs Germany 0-2


energy24.7 said...

Man, what's up with you splitting the rounds up, last time you put just the first four games of the second round up, so I figured you were doing it in halves. But now you've thrown up the first half of the third round. How am I supposed to keep up. Anyway, picks are through to you now if you wanna modify your (brilliant 100th) post.
And Italy are lucky to still be in the tournament. Buffon saving a penalty to keep the score level at 1 all (perfect for me!)

energy24.7 said...

Hang on, is this even post # 100, in the thing down the side it says 2008(96)??

Rauru said...

yea, i send out the picks based on the days they are played. there are more this time cause games are played over the weekend so people who dont have net at home need to get them in early.

good point about the post number. its number 96 published, number 100 written (some didnt get published)

005 said...

Yeah - all those ones criticising our captain, but shelved for fear of being stuck at right back forever.

Paddy said...

what about a points update??

energy24.7 said...

I'm tracking the points and after perfect points for Ben B and I from the Spain v Sweden game and perfect points for Paddy, Casey, Ben H, Aaron and Graham for Greece v Russia this is how it looks:
Patrick 73
Casey 50
Corey 46
Willy 41
Ben H 41
Nick G 41
Aaron 39
Jamie 36
Ben B 35
Logan 32
Graham 32
Rauru 29
Joe 25
Lachlan 24
Dan 23
Geoff 17
So the gap briefly closed on Paddy this morning before the second game. Stink.

005 said...

Paddy's still there to be beat. Great come back from Graham, and fall from grace for Jamie. Its certainly on for last placed current stallion who has to pay the entry fee. All these injury time goals are killers.

005 said...

F**k me - how about that Corey - we go from 10 points to 0 in the space of a couple of minutes. Well picked Ben B

energy24.7 said...

Yip, crazy stuff with those Turks!
And another damning question is asked of the scoring system with Gus the only one to pick an upset in the Portugal - Switzerland game and is rewarded with a massive.......2 Points!

Gustona said...

oh the pain

Rauru said...

And just for the record, no-one picked Portugal to win. Logan did put Swis down as 4-1 winners, but I asked him about it and he actually wanted Portugal to be 4-1 winners. He also wanted Spain 1-0 winners so I changed that as well. All legit, all done before kick-off, and all what most people picked anyway.