Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The pleasure, the pain, the points, and the picks

One man's pleasure is another man's pain

Round one threw up few surprises in terms of results, except perhaps that the Dutch were totally dominant over the Italians, and that the French were about as entertaining as a Hugo Chavez speech. The Spanish and Dutch look the early form teams, and with both teams only being matched by the All Blacks in their talent to trophies (or lack thereof) ratio, could this be one of their years? Germany and Portugal will no doubt have something to say about this, and surely there is a dark horse in there somewhere. Aaron would have you think Romania, but I'm thinking the Czech Republic could go the distance if on their game.

Pick of the round had to be Spain vs Russia, for both entertainment value and excitement in the Euro picking comp. In the 75th minute, David Villa claimed his hatrick to the disappointment of the many who had Spain 2-0 winners, but to the delight of Joe and Jamie who went bold with a 3-0 win. These 10 points would have gone a long way for both players, with Joe making a big run up the table, and Jamie closing in on Patrick. It wasn't to be though and in the 86th minute Russia pegged one back, dropping Joe and Jamie's 10 points, to a mear 2, with Willy in party mode having picked 3-1 to Spain. The 2-0 pickers were also probably pretty happy with 5 points coming their way. But in extra time this tale took another twist with Spain grabbing a 4th, reducing Willy's seemingly banked 10 points to 2, and giving Joe and Jamie back a couple of much needed points.

In the day's other game the Greeks and Swedes played out a a first half you would expect to see with two teams with good defence (read: boring). The second half got a bit more interesting, with Ibrahimovic scoring a cracker, followed by one of the more ugly goals you'll see in the comp. 2-0 Sweden.

So what does all this mean? The points at the end of the first round are as follows:
Patrick - 49
Corey - 29
Jamie - 29
Casey - 26
Rauru - 23
Aaron - 22
Ben B - 21
Willy - 19
Joe - 18
Logan - 18
Lachlan - 17
Ben H - 15
Geoff - 11
Nick G - 11
Dan - 12
Graham - 8
So after scoring 40 in the first 4 games, Patrick 'only' picks up 9 from the last 4, but still manages to extend his lead to 20 points. Nothing really considering how many are up for grabs for a correct score pick. Aaron was the biggest mover with 11 points, with Lachlan also picking up 9 and moving up from crap, to a little less crap, but ultimately still crap.

And the picks for the next two days? 3 people failed to get them in, so they need to hope on 4 upsets taking place just to get any points. Good luck to Austria getting one goal let alone 5. I doubt they'll get 5 in the whole tournament.
Czech Republic vs Portugal 0-1
Swiss vs Turkey 1-1
Croatia vs Germany 0-2
Austria vs Poland 0-1

Czech Republic vs Portugal 1-3
Swiss vs Turkey 1-1
Croatia vs Germany 1-2
Austria vs Poland 1-1

Ben B
Czech Republic vs Portugal 0-1
Swiss vs Turkey 1-0
Croatia vs Germany 1-2
Austria vs Poland 2-0

Logan - no picks made
Czech Republic vs Portugal 5-0
Swiss vs Turkey 5-0
Croatia vs Germany 5-0
Austria vs Poland 5-0

Czech Republic vs Portugal 1-1
Swiss vs Turkey 0-2
Croatia vs Germany 1-2
Austria vs Poland 0-1

Czech vs Portugal 2-1
Swiss vs Turkey 0-1
Croatia vs Germany 0-1
Austria vs Poland 0-2

Czech Republic vs Portugal 2-1
Swiss vs Turkey 0-1
Croatia vs Germany 1-2
Austria vs Poland 1-1

Czech Republic vs Portugal 2-1
Swiss vs Turkey 0-1
Croatia vs Germany 1-1
Austria vs Poland 0-2

Nick G - no picks made
Czech Republic vs Portugal 0-2
Switerland vs Turkey 1-1
Croatia vs Germany 1-3
Austria vs Poland 1-0

Czech Republic vs Portugal 0-2
Swiss vs Turkey 0-2
Croatia vs Germany 1-1
Austria vs Poland 0-2

Czech Republic vs Portugal 0-2
Swiss vs Turkey 0-1
Croatia vs Germany 0-2
Austria vs Poland 0-1

Joe - no picks made
Czech Republic vs Portugal 5-0
Swiss vs Turkey 5-0
Croatia vs Germany 5-0
Austria vs Poland 5-0

Czech Republic vs Portugal 1-2
Swiss vs Turkey 2-1
Croatia vs Germany 0-2
Austria vs Poland 0-2

Ben H
Czech Republic vs Portugal 1-2
Swiss vs Turkey 1-1
Croatia vs Germany 1-2
Austria vs Poland 1-1

Czech Republic vs Portugal 1-2
Swiss vs Turkey 0-1
Croatia vs Germany 1-2
Austria vs Poland 0-2

Czech Republic vs Portugal 1-1
Swiss vs Turkey 1-0
Croatia vs Germany 0-1
Austria vs Poland 1-1

Make sure you get the next picks into me in time.


005 said...

Imagine if all those 5-0 results came through! good luck guys ...

energy24.7 said...

Fuck off Rauru, The games don't start for another 18 odd hours. I'll send you my picks now. Where was our reminder email?

energy24.7 said...

I have sent my picks through to Rauru (and with out looking at anyone else's beforehand), but just for the rest of you:
Portugal 2 nil over Czech
Switerland Turkey 1-1 draw
Germany over Croatia 3-1
Austria to upset Poland 1 nil

Rauru said...

Fuck off? You fuck off! Here is the reminder sent to you, Joe, and Logan sent Tuesday 10:33pm NZ time titled 'Picks are needed!!' -

"Boys, I need your picks asap. I'll give you until 10am Wednesday morning NZ time to get them to me (which is actually 3 hours too late), but otherwise I'll have to give you a 5-0 win to the home team as your default selections, which in this case is a bad thing."

It was sent to your work email, which if you were not at is not my problem. And why should I send a reminder? Other people manage to send in their picks! The cheek.

So, up to the masses. Should we let Nick submit his picks? It has been stated many times that picks need to be in early. I'm thinking half points if we do take them. Joe and Logan, if you get this before kick off post your picks here and we'll decide as a group if they should be accepted. You cant do worse than the picks you have...

Ben Hodges said...

Everyone is too weak kneed to stick their heads above the parapet on this matter i am willing to bet. I am so often left as the sole voice of alternative opinion.

"I say let 'em crash"

(With a nod to both "Airplane"(1980)and my agenda of wanting to drag myself out of the low reaches of this competition)

005 said...

I think this is just a bit of fun and games, so let them off with a warning.

Ben Hodges said...

I actually agree with 005 too. I was just enjoying being the persecutor for once. Rauru stop being a bitch. (cue Rauru sniffing the air for thermal updrafts)

Rauru said...

Geez, for a guy who didnt want to take part in this you are awfully outspoken Ben.

The masses have spoken (Ben and Aaron at least) and so the picks will be changed. Joe, Logan - get your picks for the other two games to me soon as you can and they can stand as well. And count yourself lucky Nick - if you were in my class and didn't hand your homework in on time, there'd be no lunchtime play for you!!

energy24.7 said...

Thanks, and Sorry Rauru. I promise to be better in future.

005 said...

Noooo - blind hatred for Deco has cost me the 100% streak.

Paddy said...

God bless the Turks and their injury time winner!

Good decision to let Goodall submit his picks. Mind you I'd be interested to see his reaction if all the games ended up 5-0...

Rauru said...

My picks for the following games. Am waiting for a few more before I publish the list but it probably wont be before kick off of the games, so here are my picks.

Italy vs Romania 1-0
Netherlands vs France 2-1