Thursday, June 12, 2008

Give em a taste!

There have been a few blog benefits from Euro 2008 - mainly lots of posting from Rauru which has given me time to dwell on picks. Also, it has opened up the blog to new visitors from competing countries keen to check out how their teams are getting on and unfortunately hitting our page.

So this week, in order of most hits, we have had visits from: France, Netherlands, Austria, Germany and Sweden. What they must think of our bs picks made from half a world away from a country that ummm doesn't have the greatest history in the game.

So just to give something back to these international visitors, here is the classic photograph of our all conquering 1981 world cup squad - well, world conquering in the New Zealand football sense of the word. Yes, even today's atrocious Austrian team would beat us, but the moustaches and perms must be admired.

Now, no doubt Ben H has a story to tell about watching this team while he and the next door neighbour discovered themselves - bring on the reminiscences old man. Or retell your rugby world cup one - we need more fine money.

Is that Nick W front row second from left, and Corey front row second from right?

1 comment:

Ben Hodges said...

my abiding memory of the Espana 82 (apart from Steve Sumner's moustache mono brow combo) was in fact the final and crucial qualifying playoff match against the Chinese.

My Dad had gathered some friends i was sitting on the floor and NZ went 1-0 up then inconceivably 2-0 up in the first half. One of my Dad's friends had a cat quietly asleep on his lap and when Rufer scored the screamer 2nd goal, he leaped up yelling. the cat freaked out and tore across everyone's laps leaving shredded thighs on some delirously happy fans.

For the record NZ's path to Espana 82
Qualifing Round 1
NZ 3 3 Australia
NZ 4 0 Fiji
NZ 0 0Taiwan
NZ 5 0 Indonesia
NZ 2 0 Australia !!!!
NZ 5 0 Indonesia
NZ 2 0 Taiwan
NZ 13 0 Fiji
qualifing Round 2

NZ 0 0 China
NZ 1 0 China
NZ 1 2 Kuwait
NZ 2 2 Saudia Arabia
NZ 2 2 KUwait
NZ 5 0 Saudi Arabia

NZ second equal with China on 7 points and +5 GD each. So a playoff...

NZ 2 1 China
....A billion people wailed and 3 million scratched their heads thinking this won't happen again for at least 25 years, maybe more.

For the record one of NZ's squad- Allan Boath a 24 Midfielder was selected based on his outstanding season for the Woolston Workingmens' Club (i kid you not)

The only Wellington Rep- Barry Pickering, Goalkeeper 25 played for National Mutual Miramar (although originally a Hutt boy!) Was a regional representative striker then switched to goalkeeper... something to think about for this weekend.