Thursday, June 5, 2008

From the mailbag ...

A suggestion that we set up a Euro2008 pools/fantasy comp for the stallions with a sweet cash prize? if all got involved we could possibly take $10 out of everyone's fines as entry fee? A team building exercise of sorts ...

Nice idea - but I'm thinking it may be too late and difficult to organise (kick off this weekend?), and there are plenty of fantasy comps floating around. But if someone who already spent less time on the computer than I was keen for some organising ...

Go Romania.

Photo: I have been saving this one for a Butchard post, but there are always plenty of pictures of terrible tackles.


energy24.7 said...

Well, I am already in one so have set up a league for anyone that is keen to join. You'll have to get onto it soon though as the tourney starts in 2 days.
League no 60326-29534

Rauru said...

The picks are starting to come in already, and I have to say there are a few interesting picks, although no one has taken up my advice on Austria. Or Turkey for that matter. Fools.

You'll also be glad to hear that willy is still out there getting the emails (no comment on the blog though) and is in the picking comp.

Paddy said...

I'm in and will be sending my picks shortly..Like the idea of it coming off the fines!

005 said...

Well, the old inboxes would have been far from flooded. Like paddy, i think this is a great idea and ta on setting it up Rauru. Glad to hear you have had a few responses.

I am also of the opinion that fine money should be used - that way this is open to everybody and if all are involved it becomes a team activity-thingy. And besides, we have Nick and ben H in our team - its not like we won't recoup the losses soon enough!

purely belter said...

i've signed up for your uefa league Nick and i've sent my picks through to Rauru
i now think i'm signed up to about 4 different leagues and each fantasy team i've created has been completely different from the others.