Sunday, July 13, 2008

Backheel madness

Hmm, somehow this blog is slowly turning into a fetish site. Oh well, could be worse ...

There are certain players you never want to see attempt a backheel in atrocious conditions with mud up to the top of your boots (lets face it - 99.9% of anybody who has pulled on a Stallions shirt) but yesterday's win was marred by 2 terrible and heavily fined back heel attempts. Graham's was especially craptacular since he was the last line of defence and was back heeling to umm no-one. Ben's was just one in a number of indiscretions which seemed to be part of a personal vendetta against God for forcing us to play in shocking conditions - a 'I'll show you with my beautiful one touch play, punk' attitude that umm didn't really come off.


Ben Hodges said...

i definitely called for someone to back heel to me, but amongst my generous contribution of miskicks, misshots, ball reliquinshing, and self nutsing i don't recall attempting a back heel. I could be wrong but what I suspect you must of witnessed was me over balancing on the ball, trying to bring the ball back in front of me and instead hitting the ball with my heel...some sort of calamity like that....

Who ordered this match to go ahead anyway? Field Marshall Haig-Butcher of the Somme?

Paddy said...

To be fair to Ben (and I hate to be) he's correct. He didn't actually backheel or attempt a backheel. He called for someone to heel the ball to him, I told him that was a crazy call given the conditions, and then within 60 seconds Graham showed him that for once I was speaking sense...

005 said...

Ha - the Stallions are all about fairness to Ben. And it was your observation Paddy, so I trust you - and on behalf on the entire Stallions blogging community apologise to Ben for this scandalous act of libel.Don't know what's worse though - calling for the backheel or doing one, so obviously the fine stands.