Thursday, July 31, 2008

Player profile - Mike B

Now, Mike refused to provide a player profile, so this has been supplied/selected from other Stallions answering the questions for him. You can't beat the system Mike ...

Mike 'Does your boyfriend do your hair for you' B

Stallion Hall of Fame:
Not living up to the name Butchard, might chop people but ‘the butch’ generates thoughts of a hulking man more akin to Jerry Collins, not Jerome Kaino.

Are you a dual Stallion? If so what game are you best at?
I’m not really good at any games – I just like to hurt people.

Greatest Stallion Moment?
I once controlled the ball. Another time I actually took a legitimate throw in.

Worst Stallion Moment?
Having to rely on Paddy and Nick Goodall to restrain a madman who despite my best efforts to run away like a little girl was about to knock my block off.

Describe your last goal for the Stallions ...
Ball went out for a corner after a strong attacking move. I was on the
front post, nice ball delivered in, I stepped off the post and perfectly
turned it in to the back of the net past a stunned keeper. Undoubtedly
one of the greatest own-goals ever scored by a Stallion. Despite much
practice at home I chose not to demonstrate my Nick W backflip

Complete the sentence - As a player I am susceptible to ...
looking awfully awkward with the ball.

Most under-rated Stallion?
Jamie – have you seen how dirty he is? He even makes me cringe.

Finish this sentence. The Stallions need more?
Players with my vision, skill and defensive presence. Or raining god-awful weather – it makes it “my kinda game”.

Which international player are you most like?
Ben Thatcher or Joey Barton.

Where will the Stallions finish in 2008?
Covered in blood , giggling hysterically.

What us, concerned?

Update from the YF site, from a sealord:

'I think we should give CF their dues - they arent idiots, and im sure they will use some common sense and ensure that magpies are promoted if no more games are played
Im sure that if it is unfair there will be enough support from all of the other teams in the league to put it right - everyone has been sporting thus far, and it would be a travesty if the Pies and Pints are not duly given reward for a great season (whether its 1st or second is yet to be seen...)
By the looks of mitch's post we are safe either way if no more games are played, and if they are played our destiny is in our own hands, so no concern for the loooks of things uni you should be the ones concerned....

Saturday vs. Sealords @ McAlister, 2:30pm

Well, what odds on actually playing this weekend? Pretty long ones I'd say and who knows what the ground is going to be like if we are on. Bloody annoying if you ask me, all I want to do is play some dry weather football!
Incidentally this weekend should've been the last game of the season, and we've still got 4 games after it to make up. Has everyone seen Aaron's comment on the blog though? Sounds like results may be on the full first round and any make up games are unlikely. We are not down for a Sunday game next week which I thought was a possibility.

Anyway this week we've got the cocky Sealords at McAlister Park at 2:30pm. The wet ground certainly won't suit them so hopefully we can spoil their party. Get physical, dominate in the air and hoof it out of our half!

I can almost guarantee we'll basically play a 4-2-4 again this weekend, so our wingers need to play like wingers - up in the other half, don't worry about defence!

Paddy is the only one that is away this week, so we need 2 more to take a(nother!) week off please. I found the spreadsheet I was recording everyone's appearances on and bloody Hodges thought he could fly under the radar and not tell me he hasn't missed a game! So Hodges, I'm afraid it's you and me that are out unless anyone gets back to us with unavailability's. So don't go planning your weekend yet. I'll send you a text tomorrow to confirm.

Mike is on beers and if we do play we need to have a fine session after and also need you all to bring some money to pay off your fines. Get thinking about what we're gonna do with the dosh too, there must be plenty there!

I won't be going to KP so again, anyone that comes from that direction (North) please cruise past. Aaron and whoever else will be there waiting from about 1:40pm and I'll see you all at 2pm at McAlister (not our home game so that's good).


Oh Aaron, Tristin has been bugging me that the goal count on the blog is incorrect - he's up to 9 with his goal against the Magpies.

Sorry to bump you Josh, but another update ...

From YF, Cap 7 thread:

Has everyone seen this from Cap Football?:

"Senior Men - Capital 3-13 inclusive - we will first and foremost concentrate on completing one full round. In most divisions that will mean that another 1 or 2 games will need to be played. If more games can be played they will be. If at the conclusion of the season a league is incomplete (which is likely) winners and promotion/relegation spots will be determined as follows. If the final table shows teams in unassailable key positions (top and bottom so to speak) - the final table will stand. If the final table shows teams in top or bottom positions that could have been "caught" if the season had been able to be completed, the final positions and promotion/relegation spots shall be determined by the results of one complete first round."

So I've gone through and worked out the results of the first full round played (the first game that everybody played against each other). The table (top four) is as follows:

P W D L Pts
Marist Inter 9 7 2 0 23
Waterside Sealords 9 6 2 1 20
Uni Stallions 9 6 1 2 19
Waterside Magpies 9 6 0 3 18

As opposed to current positions:

Waterside Magpies 13 10 0 3 42 21 30
Waterside Sealords 13 9 2 2 45 11 29
Marist Inter 13 8 2 3 31 18 26
Uni Stallions 13 7 1 5 30 19 22

So provided I have added the first round up the same way Cap Football will, Marist should start rain dancing (not that they need to) and Magpies need as many points as possible between now and whenever the season ends.

I'm certainly not saying this out of any club loyalty to them, but if the 7-odd game winning streak Magpies were to get screwed by this and Marist got promoted it would be a complete and utter shambles.

Dunno about you, but remembering back to a couple of games that were cancelled on nice sunny days earlier in the season makes me pretty angry right now.

I think we might need to launch a class action to get part of our subs back for unplayed games. :)

BTW, Uni have played the Dreamers. 3-0 to Uni on April 25th. '

- Hey, Hey, the Stallions jump to 3rd! Who knows how it will play out. Will try to keep you updated ...

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Player Profile - Josh Hook

With the football Stallions getting about as much game time as a midget on the Lakers roster, it's time for the London Stallions to assert their colonial ways and take control of the blog for a bit. So, first up in the London Stallions player profile is Mr Joshua Winston 'seagull' Hook.

Josh took impressing the new French in-laws to a new level.

Stand off, Halves

Stallion Hall of Fame:
Summer 07, Spring 08, Summer 08 (Ed's note: Not sure if this is a Hall of Fame, more of a roll call. A Hall of Fame moment could be top try scorer for the Spring '08 though. How many have you got in the Summer '08 season though Josh?)

How many seasons as a Stallion?

Are you a dual Stallion? If so what game are you best at?
Yes, Indoor Cricket. Probably Indoor Cricket is my strength. (Ed: Doesn't really count as a dual Stallion if the other team you played for wasn't the Stallions Mr Hook)

Greatest Stallion Moment?
Hatrick within 10 mins, all from drives started deep from our half.

Worst Stallion Moment?
Hook-asene! Nuff said. (Ed: Actually, not enough said. For those not there, twice Josh has pulled off an intercept, had a 5m head start on the opposistion who were all running the other way, twice got gassed from behind, and twice throwing the ball away like a girl playing rugby. The sight earned him the nickname Hitro Hookasene)

Describe your last try for the Stallions.
Tim, Dan and I drove hard form our 10, got up to halfway, Dan broke out right – up the guts, passed to Tim who put me away as we created the overlap, I galloped away to score my third in a remarkable 10 min period.

Complete the sentence - As a player I am susceptible to ...
Not having enough gas and being heavily fined!

Most under-rated Stallion?
Tim-busktoo. The naggy, bithchy lil bastard does the yards and keeps it together in the middle. He has been a part of many of my tries and has to have a shout out. I’d like to drop a one Fanstroodle Magna Doodle into this mix as well, he is a solid performer, not overstated just delivers again and again in the grind.

Finish this sentence. The Stallions need more?
Pace, we lack genuine pace. We also forget to complete the basics which time and time again have proven top be our strong point. We also need to remember its our Thursday away from the girls and to enjoy on the field. Less bitching – that annoys me. Say it the right way, work together. I think I’ll fine myself for that one.

Which international player are you most like?
Well well, I like to think I am franistein mix of a few of the best, the game reading and game breaking of Carlos with a touch of Sonny Bill when it gets physical. (Ed: He's not lying about the Sunny Bill part. Remember though, the team is the 'Touch' Stallions)

Where will the Touch Stallions finish in 2008?
Spring 5th, Summer 3rd, Autumn 1st (Ed: Note sure if there is an Autumn season which probably explains Josh's optimism)

Hmmm, how would this work for us?

From YF:

'Word on the street is that Capital Soccer are planning what to do with the rest of the season. One of the options was that they "redo the program to play rounds that may help in confirming promotion" and I suspect that is what they will do.
We should hear later tomorrow.....'

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

How the London Stallions roll ...

No whining about fines here, and look at the benefits:

'There is a bit of talk about going to a casino with all profits going back to the team, or a bit of sports betting which could be fun, otherwise things like go-carting, wake boarding, ten pin bowling, paint ball etc etc are all on the menu.'

Our tea and cream buns session at Ben's is looking a little lame.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Things could be worse ...

From the YF site:

'Woh, what horrible conditions yesterday! We played Tauranga City over there, and the ground was ok, but the conditions!!! We started off, wet and freezing gale blowing, after 15 min the ref sensibly called it off for player safety. Well done to him, even though the home team wanted to play on. The linesman, who had dropped his flag twice because his hands were numb, called the ref over and adivesed that he could see players in distress.
I was still cold an hour later. A scary thought that we might have continued to play.
Well done to all refs who made the sensible decision!'

Friday, July 25, 2008

We are cancelled - Saturday 26th July

So go and get ripped tonight...

And rest up tomorrow...

Thursday, July 24, 2008

'Comedy football' - nicely put

Since Robin has again not been forthcoming, we must rely on another comprehensive and good match report from the Magpies

Shame theres no mention of Gus's antics. But they did call Tristin 'the lone striker' - which I guess says something.

Who is this though? - doesn't sound like anyone I know:

'What was most unbelievable about the goal was the fact the player managed to run with the ball for more than 30 meters.'

Someone obviously got mud in their eye.

Saturday vs. Wellington United Elite @ Nairnville 2, 12:30pm

Pretty tough work last weekend and really we were our own worst enemy. We took a while to click how to defend their long balls in behind us to the corners and didn't adjust our attacking style quickly enough either.

Once we started to play to the plan in that second half things started happening and I'd say we were damn unlucky not to draw even, but thems the breaks. We've got to realise when it's not beneficial to be doing ANY back passes and the like, especially in the midle of the pitch, and just hack the fark out of the ball! In that second half I was seriously considering playing a 5-0-5 as there was absolutely no point in having a midfield anyway!

To this weekend though and I'm begginning to think it'll take a lot for any more cancellations to happen as the council look to have just made the decision to play the games regardless of the weather or conditions.
Who knows maybe this wicked wind will dry Nairnville out for us but I can't say I'm confident of a pitch fit for the now second nature free flowing Stallions football…
We do have the early game again though so atleast there'll be no bumbling idiots on it before us. We're up against Wellington United Elite who took us down up at our bogey ground Melrose and I'd dearly love to get one over them!

Be at Nairnville by Midday or KP by 11:40am. We need to put the nets up so the earlier the better which will give us a chance to actually warm up too.

Graham is the only one who is away this weekend, with Panda due back from his injury and Corey also back after it seems an age since he last strapped on the boots to the feet of those beautiful chicken legs.

Even though we still haven't had to put up a ref, this week we might have to so any volunteers before Saturday would be much appreciated as then I can draw up a plan for subbing again. And ideally we need one more person to take a rest, giving us 14 players + the 'ref' (who we'll change at half time).
Has anyone not missed a game this season? (Not counting cancellations) If not I must be the only one and would be happy to take a rest, though I'll still be there to yell at you all (in fact I'll probably be worse not being able to have any effect on the field myself!)

We also need someone to bring the beers, but I think we may have been through the whole team? Let me know if you haven't, otherwise I'll bring them again.

One last thing - I'm not sure on your guys availability for Sunday games, but we have been notified that any further cancellations will result in catch ups on Sundays so please be prepared for that.

Paddy, was that you?

From a report on dire names for children coming out of Taranaki ...

'They included twins who had been named Fish and Chips, as well as another set named Masport and Mower. Some of the boys' names included Yeah Detroit, Spiral Cicada, Kaos, Fat Boy, Stallion and even Hitler.'

Stallion Fish'n'chips Sawyer - its got a nice ring to it.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

U.S v Waterside Karori Greanada nth pk 12.30 19.07.08

The stallions were transferred to Grenada pk apparently Cobham park was a right mess

Match report in pictures

welcome to Grenada north park


1st goal

2nd goal brooks just couldn't quite get there

the half time team talk was turned into a huddle to converse body heat

2nd half

Tristin scores a beauty early on in the second half from what appears to be 30 - 40 yards out

The boys tried desperately to get the equaliser in terrible conditions indeed. that's Rob and Hodges the head is either Spencer or Joe. no really the water got that high !

Hodges takes another dive hoping for a penalty

Brooks picking the third goal out of the back of the net

some found the result hard to handle an emotional paddy is inconsolable after todays result

can't wait for next weekend

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Fines vs magpies

A sad, muddy game.

You are going to have to excuse me this week Stallions - my laptop has no connection to the blog, so I got tell you about last week's fines and awards, but no grand tallies until later in the week.

Oh yeah Robin - wheres the f**ken match report! Bring back Corey I say.

Much like the game, the fine session went pear shaped. Those who were left shivering in the changing rooms lost momentum, and it was decided that everyone from the wide midfield on just got the avergae fine for the day $4. This works well for the strikers who tend to get pinged a lot more than that.

Stallion: Nick W - Most of our attack came from Nick, seemed the least affected by the conditions. Shame he still can't score for shit.
3 - Nick G- Another big game, especially holding fort in that second half when everyone was pushing forward. There was one moment where a trade mark Nick running towards our goal with attacker at his shoulder, turn right, and deliver the big pass got a round of applause from the spectators. The same spectators who laughed at Paddy's terrible final corner attempt.
2 - Nick W - nuff said
1 - Tristin - why not? Good goal, almost another - and was the only stallion with a roast waiting on the table when he got home.
Pony - Mike B -tackles sting like a bee, but runs just like a little girl when the tackler gets up swinging! And the victim of the best line of the day. When the ref tells an angry Gus that Mike count be red carded for a professional foul, Gus responds - 'Him! He's not a professional'.

All fines between $3.50 -$6.50 - Robin pulling in the most.

Best fines:
- Ben B - Angry man from goal: 'Just hack the f**ker upfield!'
- Mike - Rocky vs Apollo fine
- Mike - The foul throw combo: pinged for a foul throw, argues with the ref that it was legal, then asks in the post match analysis 'what is a foul throw'?
- Ben H - the valet fine - asking all reserves to collect and serve.
- Paddy - Fraternising with the enemy - why don't you just go and marry the Magpies if you love them so much?
- Paddy - 'I thought I got 3 mvp points last week'. Umm, no.
- Jamie - Absolutely killing the huge midfielder with a shoulder charge - while recovering from a dislocated shoulder.
- Jamie - Forgetting his position - running out of Central D yelling 'Keeper's Ball'.
- Gus - Ref trouble. Gus, we would all love an explanation of what went down. Send me your description and I'll post it.

Those conditions were absolutely atrocious, and it sucks to now be out of contention. But a great chance to open up and play some good football over the next few weeks - assuming of course we never encounter those conditions again.

Because the footballers are keeping quiet...

Here's another match report from our resident reporter Mr Tim O'Leary. It puts the Karori one to shame...

There will always be a debate going round football circles about which transfers have provided the best value for money... Gunner supporters inevitably bang on about “Terry Henry” (none of this Thierry crap) and how much he cost compared to goal ratio’s and football shirt sales. The Manc’ Scum get a mild semi every time you mention Eric Cantona, he only played three or four seasons for them but at a cost of £1 million he was worth every penny. Scousers always talk about Sami Hypia being the deal of the century and the fact Steven Gerrard and Jamie Carrager are home grown so essentially cost them nothing.

This debate not is confined to football as well... John Gallager, “The Schue”, Matthew Ridge all had great success and I know there wasn’t a transfer fee paid as such all succeeded and definitely provide great value for money (well maybe not Gallager).

Who are the worst transfers ever? I know he was free but Andriy “Your just a fat Paris Hilton” Voronin for Liverpool, Sebastian Veron for both the Manc Twat’s and Chelski... This debate can go on forever.

I know I’ve drivelled a bit but I think I have found the answer to the question...

Who you may ask is the best ever transfer?...

Not all of you may know his last name...

In fact he is soooo good he may as well be one of those Brasilian munters who doesn’t need one...

Not all of you may even know his first name... It doesn’t quite roll off the tongue like a “Pele” or sound as exotic as “Zidane”

That man goes by the name of Mr Brent Simpson...

Newest member of the Stallion crew... Scored four (yes that’s right four) tries on debut... And an obvious Stallion to boot...
Then followed up the next week with a brace...

How much did this man cost in transfer fees? Not a million, not even a thousand, just a couple of pints of god’s bounty... Surely the deal of the century.
Combine this with the fact we’ve already managed to squeeze several quid’s fines out of him, most notably for texting the Missus during fine session... twice. We have already recouped our money and then some.

Stallions now three wins on the trot for the summer season and sitting proudly at the top of the table:

Week 1 8 – 2 vs Speights Titans
Week 2 9 – 2 vs Pindred Surprise Men’s
Week 3 8 – 4 vs Flying Rhinos

Last night game was another corker with a hatrick for Geoff “can I bring my Zimmer frame onto the pitch ref?” Farnsworth, two for Brent “yeah honey I’ll be home soon” Simpson and one each for Fanny (lovely dive by the way, you were my vote for Stallion and I reckon you would have got if you drew blood), Mark (solid few weeks from both Adams boys) and Andrew the ring-in.

Stallion was Geoff for the hatrick and general all round play.

Pony was completely uncontested even by the man himself, Mr Rauru Walker with quite possibly the worst (or best, depends on which way you look at it) example of “t!ts for hands” since the evolution of the opposable thumb... Great break from dummy half from Geoff, over the line, needs to give it to someone to score... Pass to Rauru is right in the breadbasket all he needs to do is fall over... The Teacher gets an 'F' for how the F**k did you drop that?

Anyway a solid game by the Stallions but still plenty of room for improvement.

7:40 vs Obi one Kenobi nil next week.

R**k out with your c**k out

Friday, July 18, 2008

Target practice ...

Big game vs top of table magpies tomorrow - they were dirty that we beat them in the first round, let's show them it was no fluke.

There are in good form though - here is last week's match report vs what sounds like a woeful Terrace side - how did they beat us!

Wish we had a match report for last week - what happened Robin? Too much time spent on risk!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Fines vs Petone

Fines and awards vs Petone:

Jamie - 1st game in the field for 20 years! A great return. A keeper no more.
3 - Mike B - 'these are my conditions' - so it proved.
2 - Spencer - Everywhere - huge game in the air.
1 - Gus - a goal of genius proportion and much more.

Pony - Sorry Ben H - it was generally agreed you were crap, and were responsible for the goal. Plus you had a pony moment - the little jig in the corner holding the ball up. Bad.

Best fines:
- Everybody who had less shots than Mike B!
- Gman - the anti Chuck Norris - 'i got a big throw and I ain't afraid to use it' - then why are your throws so floaty?
- Spencer - the first Stallion to wear skins.
- Spencer - wearing skins in the shower.
- Nick g - Literally throwing mud at opposition.
- Nick G - Hitting on Larissa's sister.
- Robin - the Don Clark fine - get over the ball son!
- Aaron - Claiming Tristin's goal (I'm telling you - it glanced my laces!).
- Gus - Eyeing up the naked, dreaded rugby player in the shower.
- Gus - The Glassons affair.
-Tristin - Shouldering Aaron away on the penalty spot.
- Tristin - So close but so far - the goal that wasn't.

Saturday vs. Waterside Magpies @ Cobham, 12:30pm

Great fighting win last week lads. Just what we needed after a frustrating few weeks of unlucky losses and cancellations. I think we were just the hungrier team.

Massive game this week though, against top of the table Magpies who are on a 7 or 8 game winning streak so they will be hungry as anything! But a win for us and the top of the table will really tighten up. And with only 3 standard games left (plus any cancelled ones we make up) these points are crucial to us taking out the grade. Yes I still believe we can do it!

Panda is the only one in doubt as far as I know so if he pulls through we're going to need 3! people to take a rest please. I know it sucks sitting out when you can play but there really aint much we can do. Unless we payed people out of their 'contract' (subs)??????? Probably not worth it this late in the season. I guess it's just a pity we were so short early in the season that I roped in extras.

Anyway Rob is on beers, and the other two top teams (Marist vs. Sealords) are playing straight after us so it may be worthwile sticking around with a few cold ones and firing some abuse? Maybe not the whole game but just the first half? Has anyone else not brought beers this season? Reply if not, then we'll have a coupla doz to entice people to stick around.

Also, I will NOT be going to KP so if you are coming from anywhere north of Wellington (That’s you Hodges), please go past to see if anyone needs a ride. Aaron, it may even be worth organising someone?

Be at KP at 11:40am or Cobham at Midday. And hope like hell we get no more rain this week and even some sun and wind to keep the ground alright as it's no doubt in the same sort of state as Nairnville was after last Saturday!


Monday, July 14, 2008

Someone call the SPCA ...

... this is the worse case of Stallion abuse ever recorded.

And I'm not talking about Logan being forced to swing by Glassons on the way to last week's fine session, though that's a close second.

Its fair to say Panda has brought his own style to the Stallions - no other member has ever played football Saturday, league Sunday. But after being awarded the Stallion (for the first time) against Terrace a few weeks back - the unthinkable happened. Panda put our precious Stallion 'trophy' in the rubbish bin along with the empty beer bottles. It wasn't until he got to the car and asked Tristin if he had it, before he scampered back and retrieved it from the bin.

Years of stallions tradition could have been lost in one second. On the rare occasions Nick gets the stallion he sleeps with it. I have seen Ben H refuse to let his pony-obsessed pre-schooler touch the Stallion. Such is the respect for the little black stallion (I think all those other 'abuses' forced between the Stallion and Pony trophies are also in some ways a sign of respect - except for that time Gus put them both in .... (stop now).

Anyway, Pandas idoltarous actions have been noted, and heavily fined.

As with that last post I am working from hearsay - and may not have it all exactly right. You would have to go to the source - Tristin - who was also fined for ratting out Panda.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Backheel madness

Hmm, somehow this blog is slowly turning into a fetish site. Oh well, could be worse ...

There are certain players you never want to see attempt a backheel in atrocious conditions with mud up to the top of your boots (lets face it - 99.9% of anybody who has pulled on a Stallions shirt) but yesterday's win was marred by 2 terrible and heavily fined back heel attempts. Graham's was especially craptacular since he was the last line of defence and was back heeling to umm no-one. Ben's was just one in a number of indiscretions which seemed to be part of a personal vendetta against God for forcing us to play in shocking conditions - a 'I'll show you with my beautiful one touch play, punk' attitude that umm didn't really come off.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Is it true? We are going to get a runaround today?

Conditions are atrocious, its pissing down, Nairnville is going to be a bog, all skill will be removed from the game, were gonna get dirty - perfect.

Photo: Jason, Robin and Spencer celebrate after a hard fought win over whoever the hell we are playing.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Key word searches that have led people into our blog

- Most of the other Div 7 teams keeping tabs - led by those pesky Sealord kiddies. Who are probably also responsible for the next few key word searches ...
- Big clits and stallions
- chocolate stallion
- pony boots
- Stallion party pill
- greek stalions sweden
- shall i go to dubai
- sentence for stallion
- stallions names
- watch me the stallion
- Good Laika

All those people disappointed when they hit our blog, Robin disappointed that when people search for his band they find us.

The Dominican Republic, China and Vietnam provide our 22nd, 23rd and 24th countries. South America is the only continent holding out on us.

Sounds like Willy has lost faith ...

'hope all is good with you boys, looks like stallions have lost a wee bit of focus over the past few games aaron!! c'mon we wana at least be in the top half of the table at the end of a season!'

Monday, July 7, 2008


T'is hard to maintain content on a lower grade football team blog with so many cancellations. Damn player profiles running out (Oi Mike and Willy - where are yours at - and if Panda ain't got an email address how do I get the questions to him?). So any ideas for content fire them my way. Otherwise we just sit and wait for the rain to stop. Robin, make some more anagrams, Ben tell some waay funny jokes, Jamie post those videos and photographs of us on sunnier and winning days.

Update for Risk players: F**k me - I thought it would give people a link to our risk game to see how they are doing - since we are playing under other Stallions names (I got your back Patrick!). When I opened it up it was the link that showed where all my armies are - would have been chaos. And no-one even pretend to have seen it - i have checked the stats - no-one visited the blog during that minute!

Friday, July 4, 2008

A slight glimmer of hope?


Division One: all games cancelled except Naenae will now play Stokes Valley at venue to be advised.

The following senior grades are cancelled:

Divisions 4, 5, 8, 11, 14A, 14B, Masters 1,2,3 & 4.

Sat Morning Update:

All other senior lower grade games are cancelled,being Division 2 to 14B, and all Masters Divisions

Flash Footie

Nick needs this for practice, the rest of you can do it for fun ... a penalty shootout competition

And a dribbling one

Go on, its Friday afternoon ...

Greatest Football film ever

Starring Sylvester Stallone as Ben Brooks, Robin's shorts on the guy on the back right, and the greatest strip ever ...

Thursday, July 3, 2008

And the winner is...

The emotion of presenting Paddy with the award became all too much for Halle.

The votes have been counted, and a winner has been confirmed. While Paddy had it wrapped up a while ago, the final game did result in a switch in second place with the London geezer Casey pipping Jamie at the post. The results are as follows.

Paddy - 99
Casey - 81
Jamie - 77
Nick - 69
Logan - 67
Aaron - 65
Corey - 64
Ben B - 63
Ben H - 58
Willy - 53
Geoff - 53
Dan - 53
Joe - 52
Graham - 46
Lachlan - 46
Rauru - 42
So well done Paddy and Casey, the cheque is in the mail (and yes Aaron, I'll put the money into your account!)

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Saturday vs. Petone Dreamers at Nairnville 2, 2:30pm

Pity 'bout the weekend lads and it aint looking much better for a game this weekend either. Though we don't often miss two in a row so as long as the grounds are okay for one game each we should be on (with other grades cancelled). May be out of town though if Nairnville is a right bog.

In unheard territory for the Stallions we have 17(!) available players this week. Jamie is back, but only in the field so it'll be interesting to see what he's got, and Mike is keen to only test out his hammy again, so with only a small cameo he reckons.

That really leaves the option open for anyone who wants to take a week off, could even afford to have 3 people rest. We do need a ref (or two) though, so be prepared to draw the short straw and maybe have to do half a game. (You could look at it this way, if you make yourself unavailable this week, there's no way you'll have to ref) ;) haha.

Otherwise I will make up some sort've selection criteria before Saturday to sit out a few of you. Probably based on contribution to fine sessions - through appearances and dollars…
Either reply or post in the blog if you are happy to sit out.

The Dreamers this week are the only team we haven't played. They had some shite results early in the season but have tipped up some good teams recently so we need to go in hard at the start to put them on the back foot and let them worry about us. Let's get back to our winning ways, there are still plenty of games left for us to claim first place, we just need to fight hard again!

It is the first Saturday of the month so time for a 'compulsory' fine session again. Even though I can’t make it (like I need more fines) as I'm off to the All Blacks test. I didn't want to postpone it just because I can't go (rules are rules) but if everyone is keen to make it next week instead then all good (Just make yourself heard before Saturday).

Joe and Spencer are on beers this week, so we will at least have a few right after the game anyway.

Again, Panda don't forget the Stallion and Tristin don't forget the Pony - I have the headband, nice and UNwashed awaiting you (And Graham)!

See you at KP at 1:45pm or Nairnville at 2pm.


2009 Transfers ...

There is a long way to go this season for sure, but with all this talk about the transfer market in the international game, interesting to think what the Stallions09 might look like.

So we will be welcoming back Lachlan and Rauru - anybody else - when is Tangi returning?, Glen? Willy?

Doesn't really go with our 'only defenders with no interest in pushing forward allowed next season' Nick.

With Lachlan we will have 3 keepers, and more interestingly, with rauru - 2 captains. Original Stallion Captain vs winning Stallion Captain - hmmmmm.

What about departures? Anyone planning a move from Wellington? There is still time for a couple of career-ending injuries I guess. Are one or two of the old nags thinking of hanging up the boots? After all, don't teams regularly lose players after taking a title?

i really just wanted an excuse to show that great cartoon.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Scraping the bottom of the barrel now ...

Player Profile: Lachlan

On my back with leg raised usually in a hospital operating theatre…. If not then striker or goalie, I like to do as little running as possible.

Stallion Hall of Fame:
Inaugural golden boot winner (with a measly 4 or 5 goals as we only scored a dozen odd that year…) The most prone Stallion on the long term injury front. Stallion that has paid the most amount of money per game to play for the mighty team due to injury proneness.

How many seasons as a Stallion?
Hmmm 3 but technically you could probably argue that it equates to one full season. Still an original Stallion however and they are few and far between these days.

Are you a dual Stallion? If so what game are you best at?
No have not been called up for the cricket team probably because Rauru is scared ill show up his bowling skills again, long story short Rauru got spanked playing for Paekakariki, I came on to bowl for his expensive ass and took a five-for on debut and yes they may have been young but you didn’t get them out did you!

Greatest Stallion Moment?
Playing the inaugural season, yes we were shit but it was the start of what has become a proud institution and am pleased to see the tradition is living on!

Worst Stallion Moment?
Has to be the collecting the set of left knee ligament tears third game of the season in 2006. Was looking forward to a good season after a couple of years away and then it was all over in a flash… still an ACL tear didn’t manage to stop me from subbing Ben B after too nutsed goals in 5 minutes! I need video proof that Benny B has become Peter Cech the Second…

Describe your last goal for the Stallions.
Too long ago too remember, can tell you the worst miss however. Wainui at Wainui decent size sideline crowd. Ball was passed back to the keeper, sniped in and got there before the keeper, beautiful touch to round him and then side footed it gloriously right of the open goal…

Complete the sentence - As a player I am susceptible to ...
knee injuries… however have picked up a bionic leg for my return in 2009!

Most under-rated Stallion?
Jason – for a big man he has skills, saw him come of age his first year.

Finish this sentence. The Stallions need more?
Physios/Doctors/Trainers/Nurses in tight little skimpy outfits with black fishnet stockings and … sorry what was the question

Which international player are you most like?
Ronaldo (the original) injury prone, can score the odd scorcher, likes booze and food.

Where will the Stallions finish in 2008?
Better than we have achieved ever before hopefully, season looks as though it may have promise…