Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Stallions 3, Marsterton 2

Lets face it - all anyone cares about is who scored the first goal in the new strip. The rest don't matter.

Okay, maybe some - we need a Stallion and a pony. Nominations?

Stallion: Paul - that lovely tap onto the bar and then recollect?
Pony: Struggling to think. Any nominations? A couple of those conceded goals in the first half seemed caused by error? Can anyone be blamed? Can Rauru be ponied for pulling his hamstring on Anderson Park AGAIN?

One of the best heard on the sidelines ever:
Tangihaere: 'Go on, smash him - get sent off!'. Chris - who Tangihaere just offered to be smashed looks sheepish.

Milky (Heath)


Unknown said...

Where are the photos of the new strip? I need to proffer proof that Welman has paid for something!

Pony wise I can offer culpability for the second goal after I was tackled near the edge of the box.

The series of events that lead to Heath managing to avoid wearing the pink for any time that he was on the field, or even in the strip photo, also require some examination, I feel.

Gustona said...

Paul's save was a stand out for me for Stallion.

As for the most desired award of Pony:

Didn't Bakky slip over in the box? Was it a swing and a miss? Overbalance while running down the Anderson Park hill?

T said...

To be fair Chris was also daring the guy to take a swing

Rauru said...

Heath's assist was brilliant. As was Paul's save. The fact that Heath wasn't wearing the pink counts against him so I vote Paul.

Pony, tough one. Graham having his pocket pinched like a blind tourist in Barcelona is up there, although I'd put a nomination in for me for the hammy again. At least I lasted in the outfield a good 5 minutes longer than I did the last time it happened and managed to see out the half!

Chris said...

What's the status of Aaron's arm? I was led to believe it was broken. He played through the 2nd half holding it after a collision. Either that or he was trying to stop it from slapping their filthy striker in the final 30 mins. Stallion worthy if confirmed...

022 said...

By the power vested in as the gy who writes in the blog stats who is pony and stallion it seems clear that thee are the winners:
Stallion: Paul
Pony: Rauru

Arm still damn sore by but okay, sprained thank god. I'm going to wear a Fabregas-like facemask today for protection - you should too Chris - in case someone tris to hit you again.