Monday, March 31, 2014

Lloyd shops for the new season

Lloyd stats:
Preseason games: 1
Bleeding from the head: 1

We have been here before right, from Carrick's last season's match report vs Brooklyn:
'Everyone put their bodies on the line. Lloyd also put his face in the way of an ambitious bicycle kick from Brooklyn's striker. Off to the blood bin, a bit of whiskey and water, and Lloyd was good to go again.'

Can't say he ain't committed. Bet he cried with that tetanus shot though.

Got nothing on this guy though:


Or this naked dude:

Unistallions, bringing the blood face to Cap 5 in 2014.


Gustona said...

As Lloyd's personal doctor on the day, I can honestly say (and did at the time) it was a mere flesh wound, a scratch. The red colouring was hair dye (who knew he was grey?) mixed with water.

Well done Lloydo - set the scene for the year!

R said...

That photo of Brooks is classic!