Tuesday, August 6, 2013

EPIC: Stallies v BNU: 3 August

After much hype and a lot of email-traffic in the build up to what was one of the Stallion’s biggest games of an epic season, Kelburn Park turned it on with great weather and the biggest crowd of the season (well, a couple of partners, 5 or 6 kids, Nick G, and long-time Uni supporter Harriet). It was fitting that the Gossies played curtain raiser to the day’s big game; a winner-takes-all match, with the prestigious Capital 6 title on offer should the following weekend’s games go to form.

Brooklyn’s coach offered his refereeing services prior to kick-off, but after a pathetic performance in the first round, Rauru wised up to his tricks and told him to F*&K right off (Ed's note:  I don't think those were my exact words...). With Tim late as usual, it was a slightly rearranged starting line-up taking to the field, including second-string keeper Pringle who had finally managed a clean sheet the week before. Tangi was there too – the baby’s head hadn’t yet crowned so there was just enough time for another 85 minutes of football - he’d have a word in the ref’s ear to get the first half shortened (who would know).

So to the match, and it was crucial that the Stallions got ahead early, to take the game to Pilsner (aka the whinging Brooklyn Shandy drinkers). The Stallions started the game with panache, happy to have Lloydo back in midfield after he missed the first round loss at Happy Valley. Capital 6 would be won or lost in the middle of the park, and the boys were more than up for it. As it happened, there were half a dozen goal-scoring opportunities created down the flanks and through the middle in the first half. Unfortunately I missed the lot. The most memorable move was a fantastic square ball from Tom, into the path of Heath, who burst into the box before whipping the ball across the face of goal for a gilt-edged scoring opportunity. Unfortunately, I (Carrick) scuffed it into the air before attempting a hand-of-god move, bundling the ball into the back of the net (surely the ref would fall for that one).

Nonetheless, the Stallions kept pressing with more opportunities coming my way: a great cross from Paddy but a poor header, a ball through the middle and I shot just left of the upright; then I blazed over the top and into the hedge. Next time I’d aim for the keeper (fifth-time lucky as I told Gus at half time). Heath read my mind and cracked a shot from distance - the keeper parried, but alas, no one to follow up. The first half went pretty quickly – well, the first 40 minutes did at least – with the ref blowing up 5 minutes early to give the older Stallions players a breather. But Brooklyn was wise to that old trick and they let us have an extra five minutes to try and score (wtf?). To be fair, I don’t remember our defence or keeper being tested too much in the first half, as we dominated possession.

Half time and the Brooklyn coach again volunteered to ref. Can’t you take a hint - feck off! As we’re well aware, Cap 6 can be won or lost on refereeing decisions. After a gee-up at the half time break and some sage advice for the underperforming striker(s), the Stallies picked up where they left off. Tackles were flying in left, right and centre. There was fisticuffs; handbags (most involving Tim, Rauru and any number of the Brooklyn tw@ts). It was game on. Everyone put their bodies on the line. Lloyd also put his face in the way of an ambitious bicycle kick from Brooklyn’s striker (think Tim broke the same guy’s face in the first game). Off to the blood bin, a bit of whiskey and water, and Lloyd was good to go again (very Stallion-like). The deadlock was finally broken as Lloyd put a great ball over the top for me to chase – and for the first time all season I finally got hold of one and smashed it into the ol’ onion bag. In true Stallions-style, we kept pressing and could have scored another - Tom blazed wide with a header from another Paddy cross. Lloydo had a chance to hit an open goal from 35 yards but put it wide (did it even go out?). I headed into the goal from another Paddy cross although this one was ruled out for offside – which was probably fair given what was happening at the other end.

Brooklyn’s attack was starting to find holes in our defence as they pushed forward in a desperate bid to save their season (surely a young team of quality players wouldn’t be banished to playing Cap 6 for another season?). Joe got his chop on. Aaron (?) blocked a shot with his arm inside the box. And there were some worthy shouts for a BNU penalty when Tim keeled over in the box and possibly handled (Ed's note:  Tim seems to cop a lot of blame for this but it was that cankles brother of mine at fault). Could it be that luck would again turn against the Stallions? Luckily the Brooklyn coach wasn’t reffing. Impartial referee Nick White held his nerve and waved play on. The Stallions went into defensive mode, ensuring a tough final 15 minutes. Keeper Pringle tried to run it out on numerous occasions, still p!ssed that he wasn’t on the score sheet for 2013. But the Stallions withstood the pressure, taking the game by the tightest of margins, and putting themselves in a good position to win the league.

Everyone stepped up and played well – the entire squad. As with most of the season, the Stallions played the best football and deserved to win (in my unbiased opinion). Even though it was a big game, I think we stuck to the Stallions mantra of play hard, have fun, and take the piss when appropriate. If we’d taken the game too seriously, Rauru would have subbed me off at half time and I wouldn’t have scored that goal from 20, I mean 30 yards? (let’s just call it the half-way line). Good luck this weekend lads. Give it your all, but don’t forget to play it Stallions-style (free beer for the most nutmegs).


Rauru said...

Bloody marvelous Match Report there Carrick. Let that be a lesson to us all in how quickly a match report can get done!

One more game. One win away from writing our names into Stallion folklore forever.

Paddy said...

Sensational - love it!!

Let's make sure we do it this weekend - would be a sickening end to the season to fall at the last hurdle!

Paddy said...

On the reffing front - I thought Nick did a good job under a lot of pressure. He let most things go both ways and although they could have a pen for handball (I couldn't see from where I was) Carrick's second goal would have stood in 90% of Cap 6 matches.

T said...

Great match report Carrick!

I think overall we had the run of the game - so many missed opportunities.

Lets not trip up on the last game lads.

tshanley14 said...

The Brooklyn guy I was marking said to me that our first half performance was the best they'd faced this season

Unknown said...

That match report is sensational! How come Gus hasn't done his yet?

Anonymous said...

can someone give me a shorter version of this match report.

Its like reading a novel.

And by the way i have never read a novel..


well done carrick