Thursday, August 15, 2013

An Open Letter From The Raiders Captain

hey Ra,

Saw that the Stallions won the league, congrats mate. So glad it was you blokes and not those BNU or Olympic fu**ers. We had some ding-dong matches against those boys this year, few fisticuffs here and there... We lost to Olympic both times but knocked over BNU 3-2 a few weeks back, our best win of the year.

You guys were a class above this year, deservedly hammered us both times. We've had an up and down year, few departures and couple of long-term injuries to key players, but we kept on fighting.

Good luck if you go up.



Thought that was a pretty classy touch from him. They did us a massive favour by beating Brooklyn a few weeks before we played them so we owe them a thanks. Crack up that they find Olympic as much a bunch of f**ckers as we do. The centre back from Brooklyn also said to me as we were shaking hands "Oh well, at least it won't be Olympic". Can't wait to start up our rivalry next year!


Unknown said...

Nice. They did score 3 of the 12 goals against us, and only them and Olympic scored both times we played them. We should definitely still have a preseason game against them, even if we do take the plunge into Cap 5.

Rauru said...

Yep, I've offered a pre season game against them.