Tuesday, June 18, 2013


 From last weeks game - too late for a match report I guess, but we want someone wearing pink.

Didn't Krip show up at the wrong ground? BOOM!

MVPs etc get tricky on those week days, oh well fantasy gone to hell anyway - we are too successful to care really ...


Anonymous said...

Why does the capital football site say we are 3rd on the table and says we have Played 10 lost 2 drawn 2.
When we have played 10 won 8 lost 1 and drawn 1 ?


Paddy said...

MVPs last week (assuming we can't give points to ring-ins
3 - Lloyd, got an assist and as usal ran himself into the ground.
2 - Chris, always an option for a pass, calm on the ball
1 - Graeme, another clean sheet!!!