Thursday, June 13, 2013

Breaking into the big time...

Curator Aaron Lister talking with Nightline. Tune in tonight to find out what he has to say about Gregory Crewdson


Rauru said...

Sure he's not giving an exclusive to the waiting media about a transfer to the Raiders? That's what I heard...

R said...

Oh, and that video link is 3 years old. Aaron hasn't aged a bit though, he still looks 45.

Greevis said...

I've updated the link. Found the b previous one in a bit of a hurry and didn't check it.


Rauru said...

Quote from the interview:

"You're always looking for something, but I don't know if you'll ever find it."

A lot like you and a goal eh Aaron ;)

005 said...

Oh, very funny - enough of this.