Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Why so sad?

I added some photos to Facebook the other day.  Note Facebook's suggested tag under the photo of my daughter.  Who are we to argue with Facebook?!  I've never really thought of Graham as a big sooky-baba but if Facebook says it it must be true!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013


 From last weeks game - too late for a match report I guess, but we want someone wearing pink.

Didn't Krip show up at the wrong ground? BOOM!

MVPs etc get tricky on those week days, oh well fantasy gone to hell anyway - we are too successful to care really ...

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Breaking into the big time...

Curator Aaron Lister talking with Nightline. Tune in tonight to find out what he has to say about Gregory Crewdson

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Abusive Team Given the Boot!

Olympic in trouble

Stallions have a different approach - we sweet talk the ref.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Losing Sucks

 Lets make it the only one this season.

A good commiseration turn out at the pub. Decisions as follows:

Stallion: Tim - the headband has never been put to that use before.
Pony: Dan - 'Get that man out of the wall' ...

3 - Gerald
2 -Tangihaere
1 -  Dan

Damn, someone tell me if those mvps are wrong.