Saturday, August 4, 2012

Farrk - stacked team much?

North Wellington Clarets 10 - 3 Victoria University Raiders 

Raiders ain't getting promoted.Weird results - but we finish a respectable 5th.


Rauru said...

What the fuck! That's terrible.

T said...

might drop to 6th if Brooklyn win their last game.

Anonymous said...

Yeah of course. Interesting finish - Wainui have a relegation game next weekend. Looks like 2 Brooklyn teams are getting relegated from Cap 5 - there could be 3 in Cap 6 next year.

Rauru said...

Pretty sure they don't allow 3 teams from same club in a grade. You can bet your ass Clarets will win next week. Wainui will be relegated unfortunately. A good bunch of guys that are good fun to play against. Here's Raiders match report. Doesn't sound like too much team stacking:

Not an ideal way to end the season and with Miramar beating Lower Hutt 6-0, it means we stay in Div 6. Still a fine overall effort in reflection this year... but today at Newlands was a debacle.
We had 8 players out and the only good thing to come out of today was that Karl's mate Harry and someone Grant coralled on a work site on Friday, Ben, were pretty decent and could be prospects for next season.
The game started badly and got worse pretty quickly. Clarets, who had definitely got a few top-notch ring-ins, scored within the first minute. Jules equalised with a left-foot stunner, but we conceded two more goals to be 3-1 down inside 10 minutes.
Jules nailed another absolute screamer and I smacked one in from a corner (not with my head) but it was 7-3 at halftime.
We had players out of position and the Clarets were just carving us up out wide and down the middle of the park at will. They had a number of one-on-ones on goal, as we were very leaky.
It's fair to say I got found out without Miki or Iain in the middle with me. I have my moments but I need the smaller, quicker boys around me to carry the ball. Pav, who played in the centre with me, is a fair player but we're both a bit lumbering and the ground was boggy, not ideal for big boys. We gave away too much space.
I'm glad to say Pav is considering playing for us next year as he's a decent player. Harry played well up front in the first half and had a blinder at centre-back in the second spell.
The second half was only 3-0 to them, with Jules and I doing our best to create a bit of biff.
Overall the Clarets were a decent outfit but at full strength the Raiders would have blown them off the park. Too many holes today and we were badly exposed. We had some good moments but it was pretty awful in general.
Miramar got the win they needed so, as it stands, we're the best team in Cap 6 after they and Wests go up. Win the league next year? Why not?
As we have an early end to the season, I'm going to try and arrange another 1/2 games, maybe with the Stallions, before the end of season do. This is Oct 6 by the way - Grant is organising clay shooting, maybe a bbq and the Phoenix. Make sure you register with him that you're in, please. Should be a good day, a chance to reflect on a fine season.
Jules got his 12th and 13th goals today, so has the goals trophy wrapped up again. Andy T and I end up with 6 apiece.
Will send an email out this week regarding the other awards for the season. Well done to everyone who gave it their all today, a tough one considering.

StevieG said...

"At full strength the raiders would've blown them off the park"

Man they talk some shit in their match reports don't they?

Rauru said...

Haha, yea, my thoughts exactly.

Anonymous said...

I'm keen for another game against the raiders. Shitty end to the season pour moi. Why can't I keep my "piss off, you're wrong's" to my self?


T said...

Blame it on the hair. You just can't fight genetics.

Those Raider match reports although great in terms of self-esteem boosting are a bit OTT. Getting wasted 10-3, having 2 decent ring-ins and then saying "we would have blown them off the park if we were full strength"?! Their other ring-ins must have been shite

energy24.7 said...

ya can have 3 club teams in same div. no restrictions from Cap 2 down. IBU have 3 teams in Cap 4.

hard luck on the season lads.