Tuesday, July 31, 2012


What started as an innocent points table posting, ended in this.  Good one Corey.

To stop any confusion from the below post, we have one game left (thank you Tom for pointing out the bleeding obvious to those, like Graham, who would rather write his doctorate thesis on the current standing in division 6 capital football).  The fact that there are 7 comments on that post already suggests that a) people are really keen for more football, and b) are really keen to hear about how I smacked the ball into the only nose within 10m of an empty net on Saturday and then followed that up by attempting to miss a penalty (note, for those of you not there, I said ‘attempted’ to miss the penalty).

Here is the correct table:

Ladder After Round 18

1 Western Suburbs 17 15 1 1 103 33 70 46
2 Victoria University Raiders 17 10 2 5 44 39 5 32
3 Miramar Rangers 17 9 3 5 61 48 13 30
4 Lower Hutt City Green Machine 16 9 1 6 42 51 -9 28
5 Marist Inter 17 6 3 8 40 48 -8 21
6 Victoria University Stallions 17 6 2 9 46 51 -5 20
7 Brooklyn Northern United Pilsner 16 6 2 8 37 48 -11 20
8 Wainui Undertakers 16 4 4 8 36 42 -6 16
9 North Wellington Clarets 16 4 2 10 28 49 -21 14
10 North Wellington Lions 17 3 2 12 30 58 -28 11

So as you can see, we are 4 points clear of Wainui and 6 clear of Clarets who both have a game in hand over us.  Luckily for us, that game is against each other.  Wainui's other game is against Wests with the Clarets against Raiders.  I don't see any way that Wainui or Clarets will win those games unless Clarets stack their team to avoid relegation - something that I wouldn't put past them.  

Either way, if Clarets take 6 points the most Wainui can take is 3 meaning we're safe.  If Wainui take 6 points Clarets can only take 3 meaning we're safe.  If Wainui and Clarets both take 4 points (win and draw each) we're safe.  So no matter which way you look at it we're safe!

So the question is this.  Do we go out against BNU and seek revenge for getting smashed by them last time?  They haven't won a game since they beat us, and are 29-9 goals for and against since then including shipping in 12 against Wests, and losses to Marist and the Lions.  They just lost to Raiders in what sounded like a close game but other than that they have been dealt to.  Odd.  So do we play as per normal and try and get the win and finish above them and hopefully Marist (they have the Lions in their last game), or do we do the traditional (at least since last season) Stallions end-of-year-nothing-to-lose-ol-switch-a-roo.  I'd be pretty keen to have half a game in goal and half a game as an attacking sweeper, and I bet Tangihaere, Jason, Joe, Spencer, Mike and whoever else hasn't scored would love an opportunity to get their name on the score sheet (remember the days when Spencer hit side foot volleys into the top corner of the net?).

Aaron, can you out a poll up on it, and people can post comments below.  Also Aaron, can you change the worst miss of the season?  There's a glaring omission from two weeks ago (as well as mine from last week?).


Pepe said...

Sounds like it's time for my annual outing in the midfield. I'm more than happy to seek my revenge on Brooklyn from there - especially given we already have one volunteer for keeper.

By the way, I've heard how last weekend played out and you're very welcome. You know who to call on for your must-win goalkeeping needs in the future (good work Danno)....

T said...

I'd be keen for a run up front, but bloody hell - Anderson Park!! A total football game it won't be, especially when you add in all the rain this week.

If it isn't a straight tap in opportunity, if I have to run for more then 5 metres I'll be lucky enough to hit a shot as powerful as lloyd's the other week

005 said...

Sorry, blog poll set up seems to be bung - tried multiple times last night and this morning.

Yeah, I'm split - messing around and changing things up (especially for those at the back) is always fun, but on the other we just ain't won much this season, and the idea of getting a win and possibly pushing into the top half of the table appeals. Can't believe that we have only had 5 wins this season - I hate that. Plus it would be good to give Rauru a sniff at 20 goals.

So while on one hand I think lets play properly and for pride, in the end it doesn't really matter and messing around would be fun - and hey, we might win.

So consider me ready to be persuaded either way.

tshanley14 said...

why not a half each - first half, normal positions, then in the second half (if we still agree at half time) go crazy.

anyhow, i'm happy to play defence, seeing as that's one position i haven't really done this season...

a win would be great though

purely belter said...

Sorry, at least it generated some comments i guess that'll help the blog figures
happy to play goalie for a half if paul wants a run

005 said...

Blog numbers look after themselves - most vistors come via the search terms Corey Bell Stallion Nude.

You should be in goal Corey - if there is one person who gets to chose where they play it should be you - God, you have played so little this season. At least you have scored though right - not like those other clowns!

005 said...

Sorry, that was you should NOT be in goal Corey.

Gustona said...
