Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Scouting report

This from the Raiders from last week:

Raiders 3 - 8 Wests.
The scoreline wasn't reflective of a game where we got right up Wests' grill and were their equal for much of the match, especially that first half. They got 3 goals in the last 15 minutes to blow the scoreline out.
Anderson was wet and muddy but not as cut up as I thought it would be. We were all talking about a good start and we got it. I decided (personal decision) to absolutely clean one of their players out to let them know we had come to play... and did so about 5 minutes in. I slid for about 10 metres and went straight through their left winger. The ball was somewhere nearby...
Problem was, that brought me under the gaze of the 100-year-old-pants-up-to-his-chin ref, who had a Cap Footy official watching his performance. When I had a set-to with my opposite 10 mi...
nutes later, got penalised, and then tried to take the ball away, I got yellowed. Even the Wests bloke thought it was harsh.
Jules put us up 1-0, with Miki, Iain and myself putting through balls for him and Andy T at will, around their pedestrian defence. It was working and Jules put us in the lead with a sweet finish. They equalised quickly but Iain made it 2-1 with a brilliant, curling shot from outside the 18.
We were well in this match, battling hard and nailing the Wests boys at will. They're a good outfit, no doubt, but the Raiders were right up on them quick and they knew it.
They made it 2-2 after 30 mins (I think I made a silly pass in the midfield) and then Wests scored twice before the break.
As I'm sure all their opponent have found this year, you lose the ball or go to sleep or don't get the ball off their wingers, and they make you pay.
That's what they did in the second spell. We had good periods, controlling the ball and passing very, very well despite the conditions, but every time we gave it away, Wests made us pay. Ethan and Karl had tough days in goal.
I really, really enjoyed the game, no matter what the score says. Covered in mud, wet through, knackered, massive bruise on foot and headache after taking a few hits from elbows - loved it! I thought that ref watched me like a hawk and a couple of their lads said plenty of calls went against me after the yellow card.
Miki and Iain were colossal in the centre, Jules and Andy gave their defence plenty to think about (Andy got the 3rd goal after great work from his partner in crime), while our defence worked bloody hard for 90 mins. A tough game against a top side in trying conditions.
Miramar have been playing well and will push us hard for that second spot in the table now. They are 2 points back after dusting BNU yesterday.

Like we found out when we played them, make a mistake at the back and you will concede.  Let's just fly into tackles (not like Tom though, that's just sick), especially on their cocky, up-himself, dick head striker Greg Parish (in case any future employers are Googling him, this is only what he's like on the football field.  I'm sure he's much worse off it).  Too much?


tshanley14 said...


"pedestrian defence"? two up front?, and play the thru balls.

or 5 in midfield to keep 2 out wide to watch the wingers?

005 said...

We actually did really well against them in the first half last game by playing defensively - stacking the center mids and attacking on the break. Remember how angry they were getting at us for being too defensive and playing like Chelsea. But its out wide where they killed us and all teams in the grade. So probably stacking the middle and the centre mids/wide mids doing everything possible to help out the widebacks with the wingers. Frustration may be our friend.

Gustona said...

Shall we go out after pushing for goals but letting in 10 or sit back and play defensively?
We need the points to avoid relegation. If we can sneak a point (or three) off them it would be huge. I say 3-4-3 or 4-3-3 at least to start.

All season we haven't been able to string more than four passes together. Welly it up the field for Rau or T.Shanley, or Robhino to run onto. Not pretty, ugly in fact. But we are fighting for survival here.

If we lose the ball they score - and we are good at losing the ball, failing to mark that extra man, and being aware of the 'off-the-ball' players.

トラ・トラ・トラ! Tora Tora Tora!

Rauru said...

I'm with Aaron. Just D up hard. 4 at the back, none of them attacking (Jason and Tangihaere start pulling your head in and stop moving past that white line at half way). 4 through the mid with 2 holding midfielders. Wings only venture forward if they can turn and get back quickly. One attacking midfield who generally is behind the ball, and one up front who has his fingers crossed the whole time that he can pinch something dirty. Or something like that.