Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Perfect 10 - Stallions vs Marist, Game 2 2012

The Match of the Day team predict correctly how many goals the Stallions will score

Holy crap. Just published it and seen how long it is. Wouldn't blame you if you don't read it. I've clearly got too much school holiday time on my hands...

The Stallions continued their winning ways in 2012 with what turned out to be a surprisingly one sided game. Having driven for 10 hours from the metropolis that is Ruatoria that morning, I arrived at the game in about the 15th minute. Reports on the sideline were that Marist were playing well and if anything they were dominating the game slightly. A look on to the field showed that this was a slightly different Marist team to the ones we have played in the past but there were still some good ball players on their team who had good feet and could move play around well. There were lots of runs being made in behind our defenders but our last ditch defending, as always, was doing a stand up job.

In about the 20 minute mark disaster was about to strike. A ball was played through the defense for one of their strikers to run on to it. Kilfeiro (note: All names are courtesy of the Brazil name generator since that was kinda how we played ;) ) was alert to the danger however and came out quickly. However as he went to ground to smother the ball, the ball skidded quickly off the wet artificial turf past the keeper where it sat nicely for an easy tap in. 1-0 Marist.

While not quite against the run of play it was a fortuitous goal so the general vibe was still positive that we could strike back. And strike back we did. Early sub Logson was on the field by this stage and no more than 5 minutes after Marist had scored he was put in behind the defenders with a great ball from Llildo. When one on one with the keeper like that Logson never misses (oh, except that one time later in the game but I'll get to that) and he blasted the ball past the helpless Marist keeper. 1-1, 25 min.

The mood amongst the sell out crowd was that something special was about to happen, and happen it did. After 30 minutes the crowd got what they had paid to see and Walkeiro Da Costa entered the game. 20 seconds later his name was on the score sheet. The sub was made when a free kick was given 10 meters inside the Marist half in an unthreatening middle of the pitch location. Sawyisco chipped a ball in behind the defenders which Walkeiro Da Costa ran on to. As the keeper came out trying to claim it, Walkeiro stuck out a size 13 and got enough on it to deflect it past the keeper. 2-1 Stallions, 30 min.

The scoring wasn't finished there though, not by a long shot. Marist continued to press and were awarded a penalty when one of their strikers went down easier than a drunken first year uni student under the challenge of Walka. The penalty was well taken, being blasted high to the left leaving Kilfeiro no chance. 2-2, 35 min.

The Stallions managed to hit back again before the half though as Pandiano made a jinking run down the left. Weaving in and out of defenders he jinked and jived like James Brown in his hey day before unleashing a drive that the Marist keeper could only parry. Walkeiro Da Costa managed to get his unusually large big toe to the rebound which found Goodinhosa who managed to slot it through a web of defenders. There were claims that the goal should have been counted as an own goal due to the fact the defender on the line trapped it, did a lovely step over followed by a Cryuf turn before slamming it into his own net in protest of not playing higher up the field, but they were dismissed. 3-2 Stallions, 40 min.

As the half came to a close the players walked off the field knowing that anything could happen in the second half. What did happen however, took everyone by surprise. The half passed in such a blur that this writer is unsure of the accuracy, especially in the order of the goals.

55 min - Ball punted up field by Kilfeiro. Logson flicked the ball on with his head which Walkeiro Da Costa ran on to. His blistering pace was too much for the Marist defenders and the ball was calmly slotted past the keeper for his 2nd. 4-2 Stallions.

60 min - Corner taken by Sawyisco into the heart of the 6 yard box. Marist keeper flaps his arms but cant get anything on it and Goodinhosa is there at the back post to nod it in. 5-2 Stallions.

65 min - Something weird happens in the Stallions end as the ball is delivered into the box, it meets the head of a Marist striker and somehow lobs over Kilfeiro into the net. 5-3 Stallions.

At this point, while still sporting a good 2 goal lead there was still a nervous tension around the ground as all three goals from Marist were fortuitous, while they missed some easier chances. The feeling was that anything could still happen. That feeling disappeared soon enough.

70 min - Logson plays a nice through ball which Walkeiro Da Costa runs on to. He and the Marist keeper get there at roughly the same time, but the keeper didn't get enough on it and went past it. With the ball sitting there for Walkeiro, Listeiro Da Costa (no relation) yells out "LEAVE IT!!" as he comes charging in. Well Walkeiro didn't drive 10 hours to "leave it" so he slams it in to the open net to claim his third and the match ball. 6-3 Stallions.

75 min - Listeiro plays a through ball for Logson who is one on one with the keeper, who he rounds (not with ease it might be pointed out) and slots the ball into the net. There were loud protests for off-side which might have been valid but the goal stood. 7-3 Stallions.

80 min - Corner whipped in, bit of pinball before it finds the feet of Grahildo who drills it into the net off Sawyisco's ass. Sawyisco tries to claim the goal which almost earns him the Pony, but no go. 8-3 Stallions.

85 min - Sawyisco whips in a great early cross from deep which finds the feet of Walkeiro inside the 18 yard box, who plays it back to Listeiro who side foots it past the keeper from 17 yards. 9-3 Stallions.

90 min - Sawyisco gets fouled 22 yards out just to the right before delivering a trade mark free kick (we all know the one) to complete the scoring. 10-3 Stallions.

People on the sidelines were stunned, not only at the 13 goal thriller that they had just witnessed, but also at the perfect 5 minute interval of the goals. Don't leave your seat even for a second ladies and gentlemen, the entertainers are here.

One could be forgiven for thinking that every shot the Stallions took must have gone in, and they would almost be right if it hadn't been for Logson's near open goal miss. After some work down the sidelines that Pep Guardiola would have been proud of, Listeiro teed up Logson who was on the penalty spot with only the keeper in front of him. Logson underestimated the agility of the keeper however and placed it too close to him, with the keeper managing to get a hand to tip it round the side, earning Logson an early entry for miss of the season. To top it off, on a separate occasion Logson goes to get the ball for a corner kick, decides to jump the fence rather than use the gate that was right there (I told you we were entertainers) and managed to lose balance and face plant into the concrete. No one puts baby in the corner though so he stands up and stands, arms aloft, giving his best impersonation of King Kenny after a goal has been scored. No goal this time, but we'll give you the Pony!

All in all, a fantastic Wednesday night under the lights. Next up is a top of the table and local derby clash against the Raiders, again on turf and under lights. 10 more please.


005 said...

I sound like a disease. Nice write up Rauru - hopefully we never have to call on the Norwich City name generator. Bring on the Raiders, good that they got to see us at full flight last week.

Your post reminded me - new polls up for goal and miss of the season.

Rauru said...

Do we want to advertise Paddy's free kick taking powers in a poll?

005 said...

You just want to eliminate the competition. Just like when you didn't leave that goal for the great and better positioned Listerio!

Ok, let me change.

Greevis said...

Great report. I'm pretty sure Grahildo's goal was the first (or possibly the second) after half time.