Saturday, April 21, 2012

The Hammering

A big loss last night Stallions, we haven't faced that in a long while, and its definitely a wakeup call.

Just to note next week's draw is out - we are playing Lower Hutt on Saturday, Fraser Park, afternoon game.  We are in trouble with numbers, and judging by their results this is one we need to win. Couple of injuries last night too - might be missing Paddy for a few weeks - we are really going to need to step up.

A bit of facebook stalking reveals this on the Raider's page: 
Awesome result last night lads, fully deserved. My dad was there, has seen 1 or 2 games per season as long as I've been with the Raiders ('05) and he reckons that was one of the best. Ethan (couple of wicked saves) and the defence were rock solid, the midfield did the work and provided forward momentum and the strikers had a blinder. Andy Thomson will deservedly get the plaudits for the stunning hat-trick but I thought Jules ran his guts out all night in support. The Stallions are a very good side and we ran all over them. My dad reckons it's the shortest Raiders side he can remember, but the FASTEST, and our use of the ball always made us dangerous, he said. Bring on Wests!... in fact, let's bring them on next Saturday 28th, Endeavour Park, 12.30pm.

Pretty good summary I reckon - especially the way ran all over us - the early goal didn't help, momentum, and yes, speed, damn speed ...

Logan's match report will probably be less celebratory, and its probably one to forget, but in terms of our stats:

Stallion: Dan, awesome headed goal
Pony: Rauru - from Stallion to pony, a hat trick of misses (or are they blocks Rauru?), just not what one expects from our inaugural member of the hat trick club.
Close contenders: Panda choosing to watch the league instead of playing, Joe's backpass to their striker, Mike's 'oggie', Corey's is he coming, is he not ... shit, could go on all day ...

MVPs caused a bit of headscratching, a pretty poor team performance all round.
3 - Spencer
2 - Logan
1 - Aaron

Right, so lets turn this shit around.


Rauru said...

Don't forget Gus leaving his boots behind! They were blocks (2 at least) but it's Gus that'll try and claim that. I'll just hang my head for now and say I'll do better next time. At least we had chances eh? Some games where we haven't been able to say that. If I had put them away it could have been a very different story. They deserved their win but there's no reason why we can't beat them up next time.

I know a guy that might be keen to play. I'll sus him. Tristin, Dan, Nick W, Jules all might want call ups too.

Pepe said...

No doubt they deserved their win - they took their chances and had the balance of possession. Our passes just didn't seem to stick like they did last week.

Anyway, to put a bit of perspective on things, I looked at my watch when they score their third - it said 11 minutes gone. Eliminate our slow start and the game was fairly even. Just have to show what we're made of next week.

005 said...

Bring back the pregame piggy in the middle sessions? Gets that close passing going.

Damn, was in really 3 in 11 minutes - and 2-2 from that point on. Yep, that counts as a slow start.

And hell yes Rauru, there is absolutely no reason we can't beat them next time.

Jamie Collier said...

Weren't the raiders rubbish last year? What happened?

Rauru said...

Nah, they came 2nd in their grade last year. 1st was a rampant Wests team so they did pretty well. They're a good team, but we can take them.

Jamie Collier said...

See how much I have been missing. Good luck for this weeks game guys. I might try and come down for a look.

Jamie Collier said...

Hey the website has you guys 3rd on the table, not 4th like the blog states