Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Fantasy Points vs Raiders

Sometimes this ain't much fun at all.



Tangihaere 60+, -2 (4 goals) 0
Jason 60+, -2 (4 goals) 0
Corey 60+, -2 (4 goals) 0
Mike B 60+, -2 (4 goals) 0
Graham 60+ 2
Joe 60+, -2 (4 goals) 0
Spencer 60+, -2 (4 goals), 3bps 3
Aaron 60+, 3 (assist), 1bp 6
Lloyd 60+ 2
Paddy 60+, 3 (assist) 5


Tom 60+ 2
Logan 60+, 4 (goal), 2bps 8
Rauru 60+ 2

At least the title race is interesting, a 3 way tie at the top

Rauru 25
Paddy 25
Logan 25
Aaron 18
Lloyd 14
Graham 11
Mike B 6
Jason 5
Joe 5
Panda 4
Tom 4
Paul 3
Tangihaere 3
Spencer 3
Corey 0
Robin 0




Rauru said...

Spencer should get an extra 2 points. He played in mid as well and was off for first 3 goals. And not to rub it in but it was 5, not 4 goals. Match report Gus?

005 said...

Sweet, consider it done for Spence. Yeah, as you should know, it says 4 goals because you only lose points for every 2 goals conceded so 5 don't mean crap really.

Yeah, match report needed - that is our archive. It goes back like 4 yeard now, all searchable by google. Brilliant

Gustona said...

yeah busy week, no internet, and wife gone to new plymouth to be with sick nana. This single parenting is tough. All that and being observed by literacy development team this week means it won't be up til sat morn

Greevis said...

None of the 3 subs (Dan, myself and Spence) came on until we were 3-0 down.

005 said...

It don't matter G - unless you are going to sit down with a laptop and note all player movement its one for all in this competition. Thats the way its always been, and will always be. So take your points and be happy with them.

Rauru said...

Hahaha!! "Take your points and be happy with them"!! Classic! I wouldn't be making too many comments Graham, you got 2 more points than a lot of people, and with the amount of shanked passes (that went over the fence might I add) you should consider 2 points a good day at the office! Just be thankful I put my hand up for Pony cause there were moments when the headband had Graham written all over it haha!! I'm pleased that we (at least I) can look back at the game and laugh now. There wasn't too much of that going on at the time.

purely belter said...

I thought I was a shoe in for pony myself

005 said...

Ha, well said Rauru - in fact i wrote pretty much exactly the same thing myself but thought it was too mean and deleted.