Thursday, April 12, 2012

AN EPIC VICTORY!!! - Updated

Since the blog has inexplicably had 55 visitors today, I think we can assume that people are still buzzing over that victory. Great work - a slow, slow start which become a carnivale of free flowing football!

I need some help for stats and fantasy - who got the goals, who got the assists. The ones I remember (now I may be wrong here, so feel free to correct) are:

Rauru 1/3, Paddy assist
Logan goal, Lloyd assist
Nick1/2, Rauru assist
Nick 2/2, Paddy assist
Rauru 2/3, Logan assist
Logan 2nd goal, Aaron assist
Graham goal, no assist
Rauru hatrick goal, Logan assist?
Aaron goal, Rauru assist
Paddy goal, no assist (Rauru you only get assist points if winning a pen, not a freekick - and you pretend to know your fantasy!).

Throw in your ideas for MVPs, Pony and Stallions.

My thoughts:
Stallion: Has to be Rauru - driving 8 hours to get there, scoring with first touch, hat trick, and god-damn dominating their D - that's the striker we need! Brilliant game.

Pony options:
Logan: Jumping over the fence and falling flat on his face
Paul: The first goal slipping underneath him
Paddy: trying to claim Graham's goal when it took a deflection off his arse as he jumped out of the way.


energy24.7 said...

It was Paddy with the corner for headed goal.
Think Logan's first goal was Lloyd assist.

Agree Rauru Stallion. Superb stuff up front. Hard to remember him ever giving the ball away.

Logan for Pony - that was hilarious!

Paddy said...

I got the assist for Rauru's 1st with a freekick.

What about Tangi as a potential pony for the penalty? Gotta say I'd vote for Gus though....

MVPs - take your pick from Rauru, Gus, Lloyd, Goodall, Jason.

Only other time we've got is from memory against the young Olympic team about 3-4 years. We lost the return game....

Panda said...

Paddy with assist from freekick for Raurus 1st goal.No oggie definite goal for Nick.
Stallion-Rauru top effort
Pony-Logan especially since he could have run thru the gap in the fence right next to where he jumped! Haha
Another option for pony was LLoyds effort at a kickoff. I believe he did a 720 or more, beat at least 3 defenders then started dribbling with the ball behind his feet (you just can't teach that) then looks up and kicks the ball out. Genius.
Paddy Rauru and Gus for MVPs

Rauru said...

God damn that was fun out there. I kept thinking that I should sub off and give someone else a run but after 8 hours in a car I still had a heap of running in me and was having too much fun so sorry about that. Don't remember Tangihaere or Jason making their way towards the sub bench either...

Paddy assist for my first, Logan assist for my second, maybe Logan for my 3rd? I gave assist for Nick's first (Panda shot, keeper parried, I got foot in on the rebound out to Nick who finished). I also got the slightest of touches for Nick's headed goal but won't claim that.

Was it Paddy that got fouled for his free kick? If so no assist, if it wasnt him then whoever it was should get the assist.

Pony gotta be Logan for the face plant - that's classic Pony. That one from Lloyd was pretty damn funny though. People were shouting out "Man on! Man on!" but he was doing a good enough job of tackling himself to worry about anyone else!

005 said...

Getting there for the army of goal and assist attribution - still a couple that are uncertian so take a look and let us know if anything is wrong.

Need those mvp points before I can taly - only a couple nominated so far, and Paddy bless him nominated half the team. 3,2,1 points - easy, paddy i will take you first 3 options in that order unless you say otherwise. The rest of you, get in - otherwise there is little point.

3 - Rauru, enough said about this Victor Moses-like performance
2 - Jason - odd to think when you score 10 and concede 3 a defender might get points - but despite the final score the game was in the balance for a long time, and Jason was key to keeping us in it - cleared one off the line, and generally dominated. A huge game.
1 - Logan - changed the game when he came on in that first half, and then went wild. Brilliant. And he fell over a fence - that doesn't happen often.

Once we get a few more votes Ill tally up and do the points. Though I think its fair to say Rauru and Logan will be hard to pull back already - did both score as many goals in the game as they did all last season? F**ken inspired, the both of you.

Pepe said...

I'm all for Rauru, Logan and Jason getting the points.

energy24.7 said...

Yep Rauru 3, Jase 2, Gus 1.

And who tried to claim G-Mann's goal for the ass deflection? Paddy or Aaron?
That's almost Pony worthy as well!

R said...

It was Paddy. He was off celebrating and left G-man hanging. He jogs back to half way and was like "Nah, that's yours Graham" as though he was doing Graham a favour! Definitly Pony worthy but you can't beat Gus face planting after jumping the fence. Damn funny.

005 said...

Nick, I would never stoop so low! A shameful action.

005 said...

Worth adding that Logan's post-face plant celebration outshone most of the goal celebrations.

T said...

3 - Rauru
2 - Gus
1 - I can't really say as with all the goals its become a bit of a blur

Rauru said...

More to the point, who's going to write the match report? If it's Pony it should be Gus? I'm happy to do it although it could be rather biased...

005 said...

Yeah, I think you should if keen - little chance we will get one from Gus this week. Perhaps he can owe you for next time you get pony ...

And even more importantly do we have the new headband for next week? And the umm Stallion thing?

Stink about the shift in terms of the Kiwis ghame, but gives us a chance for a drink and first fine session!