Thursday, September 1, 2011

Rolling Subs

From the Yellow Fever website where Cap Football answer questions:

Question: Is there any reason why the refs in lower grades (div 6) are not allowed to having rolling subs? Every team in the grade wants it as it's a social grade but refs are being very pedantic about it. They say that it's a CF directive and that the clubs have been saying they want it. Obviously in the higher grades you don't have it, but I find it hard to find a reason not to have it when both teams agree to it. Is this something that can be looked at for next year (or even better this weekend). All the teams are social and want to give everyone a decent run. Most people are pretty keen for a rest or two during the game and if you only have 1 sub it's often a big ask for 10 players to play a full game. The old legs dont carry people as far as they used to!
Answer: Really good question. The reason the refs don't allow is that the laws of the game don't allow it in mens football. The real positive is that there are actually enough referees now that games down to Capital 6 can have referees. It is interesting that it is suggested that Capital 6 is a social league. Not sure that CF has taken that view considering in Cap 5 there are two clubs 1st teams. However, this is an issue than can be discussed for next year.
As to the email copied here from Jamie Cross. Obviously where there is not a referee appointed then the two teams can agree to have rolling subs. Also for the Cup Finals 7/8 down the refrees have allowed rolling subs as Referees wouldn't normally be appointed to these games.

Seems odd that they'll allow a ref to allow rolling subs in 7/8 finals since refs aren't normally appointed to these games, but in the same breath say that the rules don't allow for it. Hopefully it'll be something that they'll look at for next year cause there are quite a few negative comments about not being allowed rolling subs.


StevieG said...

From the answer it seems that we are in a high grade and therefore good footballers...

purely belter said...

yeah which is a complement i reckon, nice query there "liverporou" btw

Liverporou said...
