Friday, March 6, 2009

Caption Contest 2

Good work on the last captioning contest - answers bringing in death camps, popular culture, but mainly focused on Corey's youthful nakedness. Nice one. Here's a little G Unit for you. Sucks to be wearing the headband on photoday.


energy24.7 said...

It's got to be said...

The definition of genetically inferior.

Gustona said...

6... 7.... 8, Pirouette. Come on ladies, stay with me... 2...3...4, and.... Chassé. Feet together!!

Anonymous said...

'I'm a little teapot ...'

purely belter said...

oh man that shandy has gone straight to my head

Anonymous said...

you don't get out much do you graeme?!

Anonymous said...

I didn't realise these pic's were going to create so much attention, Even more reason for me to get along to some of your games to take more pics. Hey Graham, do you do kids birthday parties too? You and 'BJ The Bear' should put on a kids show next school holidays.

purely belter said...

Sub !

Ben Hodges said...

"can anyone else see this...thing i am pointing at, hanging off my leg? I think it might be a right foot,...anyone? Come to mention it there's two of those things- look!"

StevieG said...

"La de da de da...oh shit, here comes the ball!"

Rauru said...

The 'Dancing with the Stars' organisers were really starting to scrape the bottom of the barrel.