Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Everyone hates an angry stats man ...

... and i don't mean you Greg!

Soccer stallions, remember how last season Nick G would always rock up on a Saturday with crazy bits of analysis and stats about our performances, positions, opposition etc. Always a bit of a mystery to me - but his recent rants on the YF website have provide a bit of a clue to the inner workings of that mighty football brain. Here he is chiming in with some stats and almost starting a war about who is the Phoenix's best keeper. Go on Energy24.7:

It starts on pg 3 of the MOM thread vs Newcastle Jets

He then starts his own thread with an angry emicon which is really just a self-portrait

Interesting analysis (not at all 'lumbering' as one respondent puts it) - but something was nagging away that I had heard this all before - and then it came clear - substitute Paston for Ben B and Moss for Jamie and we return to the end of last season with out goalkeeper dilemma.This is the system whereby he worked out who should play when. In this thread he almost pulls out the classic line used in the Stallions debate - Ben B has the advantage in that he does not have to keep when Ben B is in defence (in fairness that gem may have come from ben himself).

Love you work stats man, you will be missed ...


energy24.7 said...

Haha, thanks for pointing that out to everyone!

Yep, don't cross me when it comes to quoting stats...

005 said...

Don't fret - with the cricketer's woeful neglect of the blog (they update worse than they catch), 'everyone' probably means about 3 people.